didn't open it all the way, just enough so I could see his head."
"Did he have clothes on?"
"Couldn't tell. And I don't want to know."
Reynolds called back at 4 pm and asked for "the new girl."
"Hey new girl, it's for you."
"Brooke. This is Jason Reynolds. Is everything set up for tonight?"
"Yes, I checked it with my boss, and he said I can do it. I still feel a little strange, but I guess it’s okay."
"Don't feel strange at all. Even doctors make house calls. Just think of it as a house call. I'll have the money for you, my wife will be here, and I promise I won't fall on the floor. Now take down my address."
His address was in a fancy section of Linwood, just up Shore Road from Somers Point. Linwood is an up-scale community of big houses, high rollers, and casino executives. The houses on the bay side are more expensive because they have views across the bay to Atlantic City.
After work, when everyone else left, I gathered two sets of the tubes I needed, a sheet of labels with Reynolds' name on them for the tubes, and several pediatric needles. I figured I should be prepared. I also took a lot of gauze and alcohol.
I drove up to Shore Road, and then headed north into Linwood. This was the first time I was in that area since I moved here.
Once out of Somers Point, you pass a mile or so of middle-income houses, and then the houses start getting bigger and more expensive. I drove slowly so I wouldn't miss the turnoff, and had some time to look around.
I finally found the correct street and turned into a narrow tree-lined road with fairly new large two-story homes. The end of the street was a cul-de-sac, and at the very end was the Reynolds place. The place just reeked of money, but not very good maintenance. You could tell it cost a pretty penny, but that the Reynolds family didn't spend a lot on upkeep. It needed a painting, there were piles of debris along the side, and the pavement and driveway were cracked. His neighbors must really hate him, because the rest of the homes on the street were as neat, and well maintained, as could be.
They must have been waiting for me because the door opened before I had time to knock and I was greeted by the most beautiful Amazon I had even seen. She was at least six foot, with gorgeous blond hair down to her waist, big pouty lips, and breasts that could turn the corner at least four feet before she got there herself.
She was dressed in a stunning black gown, all gossamer layers, with rows of rhinestones.
Her shoes were magnificent. About three-inch rectangular clear-Lucite heels, with gold Mylar straps. One side and front were clear vinyl with a gold wreath flecked with rhinestones. The other side and the toes were open. When it comes to shoes, I'm a savant.
"Ms. Castle?" she asked.
Who else would be at your door in uniform and with bloodletting equipment?
"Yes." I was still looking at those shoes.
"Please come in. You were expected."
I followed her into the hallway. "I have to ask you. Where did you get those shoes?"
"The little store at Ventnor and Washington, in Margate. Do you like them?"
"I love them. And you look great in them. Your husband must like them."
"My husband?"
"Mr. Reynolds."
"Oh, he’s not my husband. Mr. Reynolds is my employer. I'm Jules Singreen, Mr. Reynolds' personal assistant here at the house. I handle all of the phone calls, mail, and business arrangements here. Mr. Reynolds spends a lot of time working from the home."
And I could see why.
"Is Mrs. Reynolds home? I was told she would be."
"Really? I'm sorry, but Mrs. Reynolds is at the spa today. Now if you'll just follow me."
We walked through the large foyer, with a double set of winding