Treasure Yourself

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Book: Treasure Yourself Read Online Free PDF
Author: Miranda Kerr
Tags: Ebook
    – How do you feel about yourself?
    – Can you remember a time when you felt silly?
    – How did you choose to react then?
    – How would you react now?

    red for passion…

    One of the most vital things you can do to increase your confidence and welcome challenge is to find your
    passion. With passion comes belief and determination and a willingness to trust in your instincts. I
    believe that deep down we all know what we are passionate about. Sometimes we hide it behind the
    needs of others and we deny what we truly feel inside.
    I know many people who seemed to know what they wanted to do from an early age, and now love the
    career they chose. Other people are on a search and may find themselves along many career paths before
    they stick to one that makes them happy. If you haven’t found your passion yet try not to get disheartened.
    Sometimes if you are going down a twisted path with lots of curves and bends it still leads you to the
    exact place you need to be, it just takes a little longer. If you go down one career path and then change to
    another, all that knowledge can add depth to what you are doing now, making your set of skills more
    unique. There is no such thing as knowledge wasted. I always believe that everything happens at the
    perfect time.

    Define yourself… I think we need to come up with our own definition of success and not let others define
    it for us. We can also fall into the trap of letting others set our goals for us. Some people define success as
    accumulating a vast amount of wealth or achieving wide recognition, but it’s important to ask yourself,
    will these things make you truly happy? I believe success is when you feel content with who you are and
    what you offer to the world. I like this quote by John R. Wooden:
    ‘Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best
    to become the best you are capable of becoming.’

    If you want to be a doctor or a writer, the choice should be yours. Remember, you’re the one who has
    to live your life – nobody else.
    I am passionate about health and wellness. I feel strongly about understanding the true nature of our
    bodies and the essence of what life is about. To me there is nothing more exciting than studying ways in
    which we can make the most of who we are and the body we have been given.

    Passion takes you places… Passion is something that can motivate you into action. Procrastination is
    something that prevents you from living your passion and ultimately deprives you of achieving your
    dreams. Be careful not to get stuck in the trap of procrastination! Procrastination is where you intend to do
    something but somehow never get around to doing it. We all know that feeling! You keep putting
    something off or you keep making up excuses not to do it.

    By procrastinating you are reaffirming the belief that you can’t achieve your goals. The first thing you
    should do so you can understand the real problem behind your procrastination is to identify those self-
    limiting beliefs that are holding you back. It could be that you don’t think you have the skills to complete a
    project or that you’re scared of fail–ure. The only way to eliminate these limiting thoughts is through
    action, even if it may seem daunting at first. No successful man or woman you admire got to where they
    are by doing nothing. Say to yourself, ‘There is nothing stopping me from achieving my dreams!’ Once
    you embrace your innermost passion, it will stay with you for life.
    I like to surround myself with people who love life as much as I do. For me, the most interesting people
    are driven by their passion. If you are trying to find out what you are passionate about, look closely at the
    life you already lead. You might think back to what you dreamed about doing when you were a child or
    what you enjoy doing most today … it could be reading or writing, horse riding, cooking, helping people
    in all
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