Treasure Yourself

Treasure Yourself Read Online Free PDF

Book: Treasure Yourself Read Online Free PDF
Author: Miranda Kerr
Tags: Ebook
sorts of ways, looking at the way a car works – it could be anything! Your past might not point to the
    end of your quest but it might take you to the next step.
    Take some time to work out what really excites and inspires you. Discover what you would be
    prepared to do every day even for free! When you are following your passion it won’t even seem like
    work to you. Passionate people feel alive with their unwavering sense of direction in life. They exude an
    innate confidence and feel like they have total command of their world.

    Getting Personal:
    – What do you find easy to do?
    – What comes naturally to you?
    – What makes you smile?
    – What do you like to talk about?
    – What do you love about yourself?
    – What are you confident about?
    – What would you regret not doing?

    mirror,mirror on the wall…

    Our physical appearance is a major part of our sense of self. Yet the definition of beauty is constantly
    changing. Not that long ago in the Western world, beauty was voluptuous, rounded hips and cherubic
    features. Tall women were considered too masculine and thin women too boyish. In some countries you
    are only pretty if you have fair skin and in others people spend all day in the sun trying to turn their skin
    golden brown. Beauty can never simply be restricted to one particular physical type, although it
    sometimes seems as though it is. Beauty is not something tangible that we can grasp and hold onto, it can
    be one of a million tiny things that push us into the ‘beauty box’.
    Beauty is within… Some people believe that who they are is just a reflection of what they see in the
    mirror. In order to be happy they need to be a foot shorter, have wider hips, a smaller nose or a bigger
    bust size. They will wait forever to be happy. I’ve seen all different types of women with different body
    sizes, skin colours and features, and I can honestly say that the women who stood out the most, who were
    really beautiful, were the ones who glowed from the inside.
    Women who radiate inner beauty are attractive to everyone around them. Have you ever met a person
    who had ‘that something’ that you couldn’t quite put your finger on, but to whom you were just irresistibly
    drawn? It could be a man or a woman; one of your friends who people just love to be around. Someone
    who can light up a room may not always be the most conventionally or fashionably ‘beautiful’ person.
    They are rather someone who embraces what they’ve been given and they accept and appreciate every
    part of themselves. Beauty is not only physical, it’s a way of thinking about yourself – it comes from

    The decision to be beautiful… I believe that being beautiful is a decision we make, a state of mind and a
    way of being, as opposed to a particular look or style. It’s about knowing that you are worth loving. When
    a woman decides to be beautiful she radiates confidence and makes the most of her own traits and
    characteristics. I know so many women who might not fit the stereotypical, ‘conventional’ idea of beauty,
    but you can see that they have simply decided to be beautiful regardless. As a result, they are doing what
    they want to do. These women are saying: ‘I embrace who I am and I’m proud of who I am’.
    There is no doubt that being happy about how we look is important. This means accepting the way we
    appear and making the most of it, even if it doesn’t fit the world’s standard of beauty. It’s about looking
    within yourself and being honest. Embracing who you are means you will take better care of yourself and
    show the best of yourself to the world.
    Is it easier for me to talk about being beautiful? It is not easier nor is it harder. I am a young woman
    who works as a model. I have been given what I have and I am doing the best with what I have been
    given. If I chose to, I could also spend my time wishing I looked different and comparing myself to other
    women around the world but I realise
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