Treachery's Tools

Treachery's Tools Read Online Free PDF

Book: Treachery's Tools Read Online Free PDF
Author: L. E. Modesitt Jr.
about how difficult it was to find suitable and durable buttons to supply to the fashionable women of L’Excelsis. The result had been the small factorage near the stables, where seconds and thirds imaged small items of value for a glass a day as part of their training. Factoria Kathila had been skeptical at first when approached by Alastar and her daughter, but after being presented with a matched set of jade-like buttons set in pewter, she had agreed to purchase and resell the buttons.
    Before long, the golds brought in by the button-making, as well as other items suggested by Kathila, had quickly outstripped the amount brought in by the sale of high-quality paper, better than anything the papermakers, at least in Solidar, could provide, and far cheaper than parchment. In addition, the careful application of imaging to meeting the needs of the Collegium, in such matters as candles, lamp oil, furnishings, and repairs, had reduced the amount of outside purchases.
    Even so, the Collegium still depended on the monthly payment from the rex for more than half of its expenses. A far sight better than when you arrived. The problem remained that, despite having been forced to show the power of the Collegium after the death of Rex Ryen, who was still referred to in many quarters as Rex Dafou, and as much as because of that power, Alastar was cautious about what he had the imagers do or make to raise funds, because all too many goods or services would have infringed on the Guilds, the factors, or the High Holders, and the Collegium’s survival had already hung once on little more than a thread and the ability of a few imagers.
    You still need to make the Collegium less dependent on the rex. He smiled ironically at the thought, since it was one he had often.
    â€œMaitre Alastar…” Dareyn stood at the door, an apologetic expression on his face.
    â€œYes, Dareyn?”
    â€œMaitre Bettaur hopes he might have a few moments of your time.”
    Why now? Especially so soon after the senior maitres expressed concern about him? “Have him come in.”
    Dareyn moved aside.
    In moments, Bettaur slipped into the study, quietly closing the door behind himself. As Bettaur had grown older, Alastar reflected, not for the first time, the Maitre D’Aspect had grown even more handsome than he had been when Alastar had first encountered him as a third. Bettaur was broad-shouldered, yet trimly muscular. His strong and square chin had a slight dimple. A straight and modest nose was set off by striking brilliant blue eyes, a fair complexion with the slightest shade of honey, and fine blond hair. He was always impeccably groomed as well.
    â€œHave a seat, Bettaur.”
    â€œThank you, sir.” The younger maitre’s speaking voice was a pleasant baritone, and he looked directly and openly at Alastar as he settled into the chair directly across the desk. He also waited for an invitation to speak.
    â€œWhat do you have in mind?” asked Alastar.
    â€œEver since that trouble when you first came here, sir, I’ve done my very best to live up to the requirements and precepts you set forth. I’m not looking for praise, but I’d like to ask if what I’ve done meets with your standards and approval.”
    â€œI’d have to say that your conduct and devotion to the Collegium have been exemplary.” Even if you don’t trust the motivations behind his actions. “Might I ask why you have brought this up?”
    â€œYes, sir, you might. I know I made a terrible mistake, and you and Maitre Alyna were more than fair in giving me a chance to redeem myself. I’ve worked hard to justify your faith in me.” Bettaur paused. “But, sir, I have this feeling that everyone keeps looking at me, that no one will ever forget what happened.”
    â€œWe often can’t escape fully the effects of our early mistakes in life.” As you well know, Alastar. “But you’ve done
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