Treachery's Tools

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Book: Treachery's Tools Read Online Free PDF
Author: L. E. Modesitt Jr.
    â€œSir … I was thinking, if you would consider allowing us—Linzya and me—to leave L’Excelsis and become a part of the Collegium in Westisle. We’d still be imagers there, with all the obligations and requirements, but people wouldn’t always be looking at me and wondering about the past. It would be good for Linzya, too. You’d never know.…” Bettaur did not finish that sentence.
    Alastar knew at what Bettaur was hinting. Linzya had come a long way from the illiterate girl barely better than the street urchin that she had been. Still … He nodded and paused for several moments before replying. “I wouldn’t have thought of it like that, but I can certainly see how that would make sense on several levels. And you have been most diligent. At the same time, useful and attractive as the idea is, I’d like to think it over. I won’t tell anyone else, except Maitre Alyna, and she won’t tell anyone else, either. That way, whatever I decide, there won’t be any other reasons for anyone to look at you and wonder about something else.”
    Bettaur nodded and smiled warmly. “Thank you, Maitre. I do appreciate the consideration.”
    â€œYou’re more than welcome.” Alastar slowly rose and watched as the Maitre D’Aspect left the study, again carefully closing the door behind himself.
    Now what was all that about? Alastar could understand the feeling of others always watching. Certainly, he often felt that way, with the High Holders and factors scrutinizing everything he did, not to mention Lorien. He still felt that there was more here. But is that because of what happened … or because you distrust his bloodlines? And is that fair? But then, that was one reason why he’d wanted to think over Bettaur’s request.
    After a time, he sat down and returned to the master ledger.
    Slightly less than a glass later, he set it aside again. While he had not had any difficulty with Rex Lorien, that was because of Alastar himself, as well as Alyna, even if few beyond Imagisle knew that, not because of the strength of the Collegium, and Alastar wanted to leave the Collegium far stronger than he had found it. That would require more income than the Collegium currently created.
    You have some time. He pushed that thought away. Maitre Fhaen had likely thought the same thing, and he’d died at about the age Alastar was now.
    Before he knew it, the anomen bells were sounding the ten chimes that signified noon, and he realized, belatedly, that he’d meant to find Akoryt and have lunch with him. The last bell was ringing when he hurried up the stairs to the upper level of the administration building, hoping to find Akoryt.
    The red-haired Maitre D’Structure was just leaving his study when Alastar appeared.
    â€œI’d hoped we could talk over the midday meal,” offered Alastar.
    â€œThat’s the best offer I’ve had,” quipped Akoryt. “It’s also the only one.”
    The two headed for the main staircase.
    Alastar and Akoryt were later than Alastar would have liked in getting to the dining hall. He saw that Alyna was already seated at the maitres’ table, with Tiranya at her left, and Seliora at her right. To Seliora’s right was Celiena, who had just become a Maitre D’Aspect, and who looked a little awed, it seemed to Alastar, to be seated so close to the Maitre D’Esprit who was also the Maitre’s wife.
    Alyna looked up to see Alastar and smiled, the expression that had intrigued and warmed him almost from the moment he had seen her smile … and still did. He couldn’t help but smile back before he sat down next to Akoryt near the end of the table. Immediately a second hurried over and placed a pitcher and a mug before him.
    Alastar glanced at the mug, definitely one of the better efforts of the imager seconds, then filled it with dark lager, offering the
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