Thy Name Is Love (The Yorkist Saga)

Thy Name Is Love (The Yorkist Saga) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Thy Name Is Love (The Yorkist Saga) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Diana Rubino
to try to explain."

"There, you see, you are in agreement, then. Life is too short to
     dwell in misery." Anne rose, and her gown's coppery sheen echoed
     the blaze of joy in her eyes. "Come, Dove, please do eat, and join
     me for a ride over the moors."

Anne was smiling so genuinely at her that it almost lifted Denys'
     heart. "Very well," she agreed with a sigh, finally inhaling the
     pastries' freshly baked aroma. It reached the bottom of her
     stomach, evoking growls of hunger. "I shall be down shortly."

"Chera will be bridled and saddled for you. I shall see you anon.
     Tra-la!" And then she was gone, vanishing with a flounce of satin
     and rosewater.

Denys indulged in a few of the sweets, and then a long luxurious
     stretch on the bed. Perhaps Anne was right. Life was meant to be
     lived, not hidden from like a scared child.

She reached for some rich marzipan, savoring every mouthful now,
     rather than wolfing it down as she had done with the first treats.

Then she washed it down with the creamy milk Anne had brought, and
     rubbed her belly with satisfaction.

They certainly lived well here in the north, she noted, looking at
     the tray, and the array of foods upon it. The Queen had never
     permitted such luxuries except on the most special feast days, and
     even then, they had pretty much been for her and dutiful family
     and her favorites only. Certainly not for the likes of Denys….

She got up, washed her face and hands, and donned a blue cap to
     cover her bright silvery hair. Fetching her cloak, she decided a
     ride would be just the thing. Anything rather than be a prisoner
     in her own home once more.

Anything rather than dwell on the fact that the appointed time to
     marry Valentine was fast approaching, and she still could not
     decide whether to agree, or flee…



Denys had a wonderful afternoon with Anne, enjoying the beautiful
     rolling countryside around Middleham Castle.

Only toward the end of the day did her mood turn sour, for despite
     her friend's intended kindness, she turned Anne's tailor away.

Denys did not want a new wedding dress. She only regretted she had
     nothing somber and sedate as befitting a funeral, for she did not
     feel jubilant as a bride should.

The night before the wedding, Anne came to her chambers with a
     luscious creamy satin gown, lined with diamonds and pearls, the
     skirts bejeweled with colored gemstones in diamond patterns.

Sable-lined, the billowing sleeves were embroidered with gold
     roses. The veil was just as splendid, with yards of lace and a
     circlet of heart-shaped pearls.

"Anne, this gown is exquisite! Wherever did you get it?" Denys
     said, smiling despite her determination to not get excited about
     her impending nuptials.

"It was my dear mother's wedding gown. Both she and my sister
     Isabel were married in it. Since my own wedding—well, as you know,
     it was so rushed, I had not time to fetch it from home, I want you
     to wear it. As Valentine and Richard are like brothers, you will
     be my sister."

Tears welled up in Denys' eyes then, and she knew that she could
     never reject the kind gesture, even if she really wished to. But
     the truth was, the gown was such a one as she had longed for in
     her more romantic days, before all had gone so awry with

Denys carefully took the gown and veil from Anne's arms and spread
     them on the bed. "Thank you so much, Anne. I know not what to

It was such a contrast with the tawdry red wedding dress the Queen
     had tried to force her to wear when she had first demanded that
     Denys wed Valentine, she felt as though she would weep. How could
     her own aunt detest her so? But then, that was the whole point. She wasn't really
     her aunt….

"Say naught," Anne said with a gentle smile. "Just give Valentine
     a chance to make you happy. Let our children grow old together."

Denys lost her composure completely then.

As the tears spilled, Anne wrapped her arms around
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