Thy Name Is Love (The Yorkist Saga)

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Book: Thy Name Is Love (The Yorkist Saga) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Diana Rubino
man of action, for all he tries to be a
     clever courtier. Give him a chance," Anne said, her voice on the
     edge of pleading. "He thinks the world of you."

Now that didn't sound like Valentine. He thought the world of two
     people, himself and Richard, no doubt in that order.

"He has been so busy preparing Lilleshal, he's ordered the most
     exquisite marble and tapestries and furnishings—"

Her mouth turned down. "So I heard. He likes luxuries. What of

"Oh, but that is not all. ‘Tis not only the house. ‘Tis what he
     speaks of when he talks of the house, and the way his eyes light
     up. ‘Tis you .
     He speaks of you incessantly. Even before the betrothal, he always
     spoke of you, the woman he met in the rose garden."

Her eyes lightened and her mind unclouded for the first time since
     arriving here, sharpened by curiosity. "Of what part of me does he

Anne laughed, and Denys saw her touch a protective hand to her

"Oh, he is smitten as any man I've ever seen. He speaks so highly
     of your determination to find your parents, for one."

"So he told you about my having been adopted by...her." The
     mention of the Woodville name repulsed her like leeches on her

"Nay, Richard told me first, but only because he thinks of you
     like family. Do you object? I shan't ever tell a soul."

"Nay, what is the harm in your knowing? Of course, I shall try my
     best to find the good in Valentine, especially since he's going to
     be my... My husband."

Her voice broke as she nearly choked on the word. "But even you
     must have discerned that strong streak of zeal in him. Of the way
     he talks of King Edward dying in battle, and Richard bestowing
     high positions upon him. It's as if his political agenda is
     already mapped out, and it scares me to hear him talk that way. I
     love Uncle Ned. And we need stability after so many years of war."

"I agree, and may God grant it," she said, crossing herself

"He tells me he means no disrespect or harm, and is simply trying
     to be prepared for any contingency, but well, Uncle Ned has heirs
     besides Richard. I hate to say it, but the next step after
     thinking is treason. Read your history, Anne. He wouldn't exactly
     be setting a precedent. Especially not with George around!"

Anne patted her on the shoulder soothingly. "You really are
     letting your fancies run away with you, my dear. Valentine is
     thoroughly immersed in his business here. Neither he nor Richard
     have any particular desire to return to court, and King Edward has
     many years of rule yet before he yields the throne to his son."

She shivered with dread at the very thought, and began to toy with
     the edge of the pastry tray Anne had brought. "For that I am
     grateful, because court is the last place I ever want to return
     to. Oh, to be out of there. 'Tis like being released from the
     Tower dungeons. I cannot tell you how it feels to be free, even
     for just for this pitifully short time."

"Then what are you doing up here, sequestered in these dark
     chambers, when you should be out enjoying whatever the countryside
     hereabouts has to offer?" Anne asked with a gentle smile. "The
     seasons change, you know, winter to spring. Perhaps your feelings
     for Valentine can blossom, too."

As Anne waved towards the window, Denys caught sight of a slice of
     sunlight peeking out from behind a bluish-white haze. She turned
     to her friend, and could see Anne brimming with love for her
     lands, her life here in the north.

"The sun may be hiding, but it's warming up, and the grass is so
     moist and dewy, why, I just saw Valentine this morn, running
     through the garden barefoot like a colt. He certainly makes the
     best of what life has to offer, for indeed, like Richard, his path
     has been hard ever since he was young. He definitely doesn't want
     to continue suffering once he is married."

Denys nodded. "Nay, you are right. He said as much to me when he
     came here yesterday
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