Dostoevsky publishes The Devils
Britain: Communards sleeping rough in London parks
Other European: Feb : Kropotkin arrives in Switzerland
14 March: Reclus arrives in Switzerland
United States: Andrew Carnegie begins revolution in steel manufacture
Date: 1873
France: 23 May: General MacMahon becomes president of Third Republic; Michel and Rochefort deported
Sept: War indemnity to Germany paid off early
Russia: Summer: Mass movement of young radicals ‘go to the people’ during ‘Mad Summer’ with many arrests in coming two years; Koroptkin works on his draft Manifesto for the Chaikovsky Circle
Britain: The fictional Phineas Fogg of Jules Verne’s Around the World in Eighty Days accepts bet at the Reform Club; Edward Carpenter joins University Extension work
Other European:
Spain: Insurrection in Cartagena
Switzerland: Lavrov starts publication of Forward! in Geneva
United States: Sept: Railway entrepreneur Jay Gould bankrupt, precipitating economic crisis and depression
Other: 10 Dec: Ship carrying Louise Michel and Henri Rochefort arrives in New Caledonia
Date: 1874
France: First Impressionist exhibition
Russia: 22 March: Arrrest of Peter Kropotkin in St Petersburg; riots by St Petersburg students against conservative professor of physiology, Elie de Cyon; the radicals’ mission ‘to the people’ gains momentum, as does its persecution
Britain: Society for the Advancement of Science object to Pius IX’s ‘fatuous’ Syllabus of Errors
Other European:
Italy: Malatesta prepares abortive insurrection in Bologna, Bakunin flees ignominiously
Switzerland: Sept: Rochefort arrives
United States: Jan: Brutal suppression of Tompkins Square demonstration in New York
June: Arrival of Rochefort in New York to lecture; Marx transplants the International to Philadelphia to save it from Bakuninist control
Other: 18 March: Rochefort, Pain, Grousset and others escape from New Caledonia
Date: 1875
France: Work begins on the basilica of the Sacré-Coeur in Montmartre; publication of Zola’s L’Assommoir and Verne’s Mysterious Island ; threat of war with Germany sees mass purchase of cavalry horses
Russia: Hundreds of young radicals kept in prison in terrible conditions without trial
Britain: Foundation of Manhood Suffrage League by Frank Kitz
Other European:
Spain: Malatesta to assist in anarchist prison breakout
Bulgaria: Confrontation looms between Britain and Russia
United States: Dec: Chaikovsky arrives in New York, having travelled via Lavrov in London; height of Molly Maguire activities, infiltrated by Pinkertons
Other: Britain buys shares in bankrupt Suez Canal
Date: 1876
France: First of nineteen volumes of Elisée Reclus’ Universal Geography published
Russia: 3 March : Violence around funeral of Pavel Chernyshev in St Petersburg
June: Kropotkin escapes prison in St Petersburg and flees to England
Dec: Demonstration in Square of Our Lady of Kazan, many arrests; Dr Cyon sent to Paris as special councillor
Other European: Kravchinsky leaves Russia to fight in Bosnia-Herzegovina against Turks; Turks brutally suppress risings in Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria
Switzerland: Death of Bakunin, Reclus delivers eulogy; title ‘anarchist’ adopted by Italian anti-authoritarians at Berne Congress, and subsequently the strategy of ‘propaganda by deed’
United States: Chaikovsky and Godmen join Frey’s colony at Cedar Vale, Kansas; centenary of American Independence, French promise of Statue of Liberty as gift
Date: 1877
Russia: Trial of the Fifty: many more await trial; beating in prison of Bogoliubov for insolence; Russia declares war on Turkey over its activities in the Balkans
Britain: Disraeli uses British fleet to deter Russian march on Constantinople
Other European:
Italy: Kravchinsky and Malatesta in Naples preparing for failed Matese insurrection in April
Switzerland: Kropotkin returns
Belgium: April: Universal Socialist Congress in Ghent
Bosnia: Death of
Terra Wolf, Artemis Wolffe, Wednesday Raven, Rachael Slate, Lucy Auburn, Jami Brumfield, Lyn Brittan, Claire Ryann, Cynthia Fox