for celebrating tsar’s assassination; inaugural meeting of Henry Hyndman’s Social Democtratic Federation; Edward Carpenter proclaims as marking ‘a great new tide of human life’
Other European: Pressure on Switzerland to act against political émigrés; Kropotkin expelled
United States: 2 July: Assassination of President Garfield
Date: 1882
France: Jan: Crash of the Catholic Union Générale bank; Violent strikes and activities of the ‘Black Bands’ around Lyons
Oct: Cyvoct imprisoned for life for the Bellecour bombing
Dec: Arrest of Kropotkin, who had recently published Memoirs of a Revolutionist
Russia: May: Sudeikin recruits Rachkovsky, following disbandment of Holy Brotherhood
Britain: 6 May: Phoenix Park Murders in Dublin
Other European:
Spain: The supposed activities of the ‘Mano Negra’ groups provoke savage repression
United States:
Other: Malatesta back in Egypt to fight British
Date: 1883
France: March: Arrest of Louise Michel and Emile Pouget for inciting Paris bread riot; spate of writing, in France and elsewhere, concerned with degeneracy and decadence; Jules Ferry’s government begins policy of colonial expansion in South East Asia; young Melville as port watcher in France, dealing with Fenian provocateur Millen
Russia: Arrest of 250 officers in Kronstadt garrison for People’s Will sympathies
December: Murder of General Sudeikin by Degaev
Britain: Fenian bombing campaign
March: Death of Karl Marx
April: Edward Carpenter sets up Millthorpe smallholding near Sheffield; publication in English of Underground Russia by Kravchinsky, now to be known as ‘Stepniak', who settles in London; William Morris and Edward Carpenter join Social Democratic Federation
Other European: Anarchist bomb at Ganshoren, carried by Cyvoct
Switzerland: Plekhanov and Zasulich create ’Emancipation of Labour’movement;
Spain: hundreds arrested and tortured over alleged ‘Mano Negra’ conspiracy
United States: Johann Most publishes The God Pestilence
Date: 1884
France: Rachkovsky arrives in Paris to hunt Degaev, subsequently takes over Okhrana bureau; Signac and Seurat meet and work together developing ‘post-Impressionist’ techniques
Russia: Arrest of German Lopatin, elected leader of rump People’s Will following Vera Figner’s capture two years earlier
Britain: Fenian bombing campaign; Morris leads 4,000 on commemorative march to grave of Marx; split in SDF, formation of Socialist League; Greenwich adopted as site of prime meridian; Reclus publishes An Anarchist on Anarchy in London Contemporary Review
Other European:
Germany: Attempt by Reinsdorf to blow up kaiser and government at Germania ceremony; Johann Neve’s network of activists uprooted; Pope Leo XIII issues encyclical Humanum genus urging a new inquisition against Freemasonry, socialism and anarchism
United States: Pittsburgh meeting of American Federation of the Working People’s Association
Other: Jan: General Gordon’s expedition to subdue Egypt
Date: 1885
France: May: Death of Victor Hugo; Rachkovsky writes to French police chief of his plans to disrupt émigré revolutionaries; Le Révolté transfers from Switzerland to Paris, now the centre of anarchism
Russia: Myshkin, outspoken at Trial of the 193, shot in Schlüsselburg for assaulting a warden; visit of Frey, meets Tolstoy
Britain: Fenian bombing campaign
Sept: Dod Street clashes between socialists and the police: Morris arrested; first edition of Socialist League’s Commonweal published
Other European: Jan: Police chief Rumpf assassinated in Frankfurt; International Congress of Criminal Anthropology; war between Serbia and self-declared Greater Bulgaria
United States: Publication of Johann Most’s booklet Revolutionary Warfare ; police captain Bonfield issues shoot-to-kill orders regarding streetcar strike amid mass unemployment, Chicago; Statue of Liberty arrives in New York Harbor
Other: Jan: General Gordon trapped in Khartoum by Mahdi and