The Virgin Sex Queen
have a friend who’s a soldier.” Alan tapped
his chin thoughtfully. “But he’s not my type. And he’s married. So
off the market.”
    That wasn’t what she meant and he knew it. Teeth flashing in
a wide smile, he suddenly chucked her under the chin. “Oh, you mean
am I into
    “I really don’t
care, actually.” Ignoring the way her heart was tripping just a
little, she stepped back.
    Good grief,
maybe she should go to a cardiologist and get that checked out.
    “We could write
a book together and see.”
    A gleam in his
eyes that didn’t bode well, Alan bent forward. Sophie refused to
retreat again, so when he kept bending closer she was more than
aware of the heat of his body, his clean, male scent beneath the
faint aftershave, his very nearness as his face came closer and
    She couldn’t help but gaze at his lips, full yet undeniably
male, and wildly she half wondered if he was going to kiss her, he
was so damned close . But then he shifted ever so slightly and his cheek brushed
against hers, the freshly shaven skin smooth. Her knees went all
wobbly as he breathed into her ear, all moist, hot
    “We could call it ‘Punishing
Sophie’ and the punisher could be a cop.
And we could base it on real life.”
    Jesus. Her
knees almost gave way completely at the mental image that little
sentence gave her. The picture that unbidden shot through her mind
with heated clarity was of a cop all right, Alan in his uniform,
and the heroine who was facing punishment at his hands - his very
capable, hot hands - was her.
    “Yeah,” Alan
breathed into her ear, his lips brushing the sensitive skin and
making her shiver. “I’d really like to research that with you,
    “I didn’t know
you were into kink,” she said a little shakily.
    “You have no
idea what I’m into.”
    This unsettling
and rather titillating comment had Sophie floundering for a
response, especially as the silence between them lengthened and
seemed to grow heavier. She was more than aware of his body bent
over her, his nearness, the fact that her breasts were just grazing
his shirt, and his mouth - oh God, had he just brushed his lips
across the skin just below her ear?
    Slowly Alan
straightened, his gaze locking onto her wide eyes as he took a step
back. She was still staring at him when he grinned and ruffled her
hair. “Speechless, Soph? Don’t worry, that’s what happens to all
the women I seduce.” Turning on his heel he returned to his room,
swinging back around to catch the door and wink. “Because I’m all
man.” The door swung shut, cutting him from view.
    Leaving Sophie
with her mouth hanging open, her nerves jangling, her skin all hot
and yes, her lady bits aquiver. Managing to get herself pulled
together as she heard Sam’s voice nearing, she scuttled back into
her room and sat on the bed, gathering her scattered wits and
calming herself. Or trying to.
    Good grief.
Alan Cooper had always been a tease in school, but good lord, he’d
never been so - so - sensuously wicked.
sensuous. She rolled her eyes as her heart rate dropped to a more
comfortable level. Teasing. The man could tease and he was just
giving her as good as she’d given him. It was a good reminder of
just how much he could tease and she shouldn’t take him seriously.
The Alan Cooper she remembered had always chased the slim
    Slim chicks. Oh
yeah, that’s right, all women were chicks. That sure made him a
strutting rooster. She wondered how much that had changed.
    The thought had
her smiling a little as Sam entered the room.
    “Hey, Sam.”
    SJ coiled his
way lovingly around Sam’s leg, all the while casting Sophie baleful
    “I have to go
to work tonight.” Leaning against the doorframe in a move
reminiscent of Alan earlier, Sam crossed his ankles and dug his
hands into the pockets of his baggy shorts. “You going to be all
right here alone?”
    “Alan going to
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