The Virgin Sex Queen
literally stopping to smell the roses and enjoy the view.
The street Sam lived in was pretty and she looked forward to going
for a walk in the late afternoon and checking it out.
    Unpacking her
clothes, she stored them neatly in the wardrobe and drawers. The
toilet bag she placed on the corner of the dressing table, the box
of books in the corner of the room. A quick trip to the toilet, a
hand wash in the bathroom and a check of her face to ensure she
still looked tidy, and Sophie was done.
    Exiting the
bathroom, she almost tripped over a skinny ginger cat that looked
balefully up at her and refused to shift.
    “Hello. You
must be Sam Junior.” Bending down, she offered her hand for the
cat’s inspection.
    “SJ for short,”
Alan said from behind her.
around, she saw him leaning against the doorframe of his bedroom.
Arms folded across his chest, a half buttoned shirt hiding the
muscles beneath, which was a damned shame. The man had a body to
salivate over. He was a total arse at times, a tease most of the
time, but give him credit, he had a great body.
    Ignoring the
little leap of her pulse, Sophie returned her attention to SJ,
smiling as the cat gave her a little lick then bumped his head
against her hand. Gently she scratched behind his ears and he burst
into loud purrs. “I heard that Sam had adopted him.”
    “More like SJ
adopted Sam.” Straightening, Alan proceeded to slowly button his
shirt. “Met him in the driveway one morning and followed him right
into the house, whinging the whole time. Sam, being Sam, gave him
the tuna fish from the ‘fridge and SJ has been here ever
    “Maybe he
belongs to someone?”
    “Nah. Sam
advertised him but no one came forward.” Alan grinned. “Off to the
vet, vaccinated, sterilised, and SJ’s manly wandering days are
over. Now he’s a couch potato.”
    “What a true
    “Oh Soph.” When
his tone had her looking back up at him again, Alan shook his head
sorrowfully. “You obviously haven’t been around real men.”
    “You mean I’ll
actually get to meet them sometime?”
    “It’s also
obvious that you wouldn’t recognise one when you saw him.” He held
out his arms and stretched leisurely.
    The action
tightened his shirt across his chest and she was surprised that the
buttons didn’t pop at the swell of his pectoral muscles. “You mean
SJ? Oh, I totally recognise him as a real man.”
    “Tsk. How can a
real man be a sterilised couch potato?”
    “You tell me.
You’re the expert.” She started to push upright.
immediately Alan was in front of her, his hand coming under her
elbow in silent support. When she straightened completely he didn’t
shift back and she found herself standing close to him. Too close.
The heat from his body seemed to curl languidly into her, seeping
through her pores.
    Titling her
head back, she looked up into his face. Right into his damned
twinkling eyes.
    “I’m all man. I’m no couch potato - okay, well, a little -
but I’m all man.”
He winked. “If you know what I mean.”
    Taking a deep
breath, which was probably a mistake because his aftershave got
sucked right into her lungs and almost clouded her senses
completely, Sophie took a couple of seconds to form a reply. By
that time, Alan’s lips were twitching and his eyes were dancing
devilishly. “You haven’t changed a bit, Alan.”
    “You don’t
think so?” He moved forward a little more, almost crowding her, but
she refused to budge on inch. “I’m taller. More muscly. Have a
position of authority.”
    “You’re still
an arse. Always were, always will be.”
    “Position of authority .” Voice dropping, his gaze
drifted down to her lips. “You like authoritative men,
    “How would you
    “ Punishing Laura ”. Alan leered a little. “The punisher, lucky bastard, was a
    She fought hard
to maintain coolness. “Is that what you like?”
    “Soldiers? Only
female ones, though I
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