that, there could be a business in it…
9.31am, June 8, 1949
#BigBrother will get back to you…
9.59pm, July 18, 2000
George Orwell’s story of a dystopian future in his novel Nineteen Eighty Four has fascinated readers since the book was published in the 1940s. Debate over the extent that his vision has or will come true makes his book a true benchmark.
Playing chess with @BogdanBelsky – I’m so gonna win!
6.22pm, March 28, 1954
@IvanTheTerrible Lol, looks like I won this one.
6.23pm, March 28, 1954
Ivan the Terrible died of a stroke whilst playing chess.
#FF @JFK Happy birthday, Mr President.
11.32am, May 18, 1962
DM from @JKF to @MarilynMonroe
Ssssh, I told you – not on Twitter.
11.33am, May 18, 1962
In one of her final public appearances, Marilyn Monroe sang to President John F Kennedy for his 45th birthday. The two are believed to have had an affair.
Bit of a drama going down with the Commies over some missiles in Cuba. #touchingcloth
11.12am, October 14, 1962
@JFK That’ll learn you for putting missiles in Turkey!
11.13am, October 14, 1962
Sheesh, this is worse than the Vienna Summit and the Bay of Pigs combined
11.21am, October 14, 1962
11.23am, October 14, 1962
Reached agreement with the Commies over Cuba. Glad that’s all sorted. Life doesn’t get worse.
12.29pm, October 28, 1962
In 1962, Russian Premier Nikita Khrushchev installed nuclear weapons in Cuba to defend it from US invasion. After the missiles were spotted by a US spy plane, the world teetered on the brink of nuclear war for a week.
Touched down in Dallas and now driving through this beautiful city. Life doesn’t get any better.
12.29pm, November 22, 1963
Ich bin ein bad killer!
12.31pm, November 22, 1963
President John F Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas in 1963. The killer was Lee Harvey Oswald.
Morning all. I had an amazing dream last night. There were these 4 kids, some valleys & mountains. I think it could change the world.
8.02am, August 28, 1963
[Retweeted by @DC_Dude and 249,999 others]
Martin Luther King delivered his legendary ‘I have a dream’ speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington on 28 August, 1963.
Sorry I haven’t tweeted for a while. Am looking forward to using it to express my view of the world!
7.57pm, March 1, 1966
British women can’t cook!
7.58pm, March 1, 1966
What’s everyone’s problem with this recession?
Everybody was saying we must have more leisure.
Now they are complaining they are unemployed.
5.12pm, May 21, 1981
Gosh, there are some sensitive little flowers on Twitter, aren’t there?
5.14pm, May 21, 1981
The trouble with @PrincessAnne is that if it doesn’t fart or eat hay then she isn’t interested.
4.18am, June 23, 1988
I wonder how Scottish driving instructors keep the natives off the booze long enough to pass the test…
2.22pm, September 22, 1995
Oops! Just got a load more un-follows!
2.23pm, September 22, 1995
Saw a fuse box earlier. It was a right mess. Looked as though it had been put in by an Indian.
3.39am, October 12, 2002
Met some Aborigines today. Asked if they still throw spears at one another.
8.12pm, November 1, 2002
There’s a lot of orphanages in Romania – they must breed them.
4.44pm, July 1, 2010
@PrincePhilip One thinks we need a chat about you and Twitter…
Prince Philip has distinguished himself as one of Britain’s most outspoken figures with colourful views and observations throughout his life.