too,” she sighed.
“I suppose that I should get you back to your aunt’s house.”
“Yes, it is getting late.”
They both put their seats upright as Stefan started the car. A short drive later, Stefan pulled the car into the driveway of Karl’s home. He turned the car off and turned to Melissa who had tears in her eyes.
“Please, do not cry, Melissa.”
“I can’t help it. I don’t want to leave. I will miss you too much.”
“I know. I will miss you, also. But we both have things that we need to do so that two years from now we can be together forever.”
Melissa hung her head. “I know, but that doesn’t make it any easier for me.”
“It is not easy for me either,” Stefan said as he took her in his arms. “I will miss you so much.”
Melissa laid her head on Stefan’s shoulder and let go of her tears.
“Now, please do not cry. We will write to each other all the time and talk on the phone, too. The time will swim by.”
Melissa lifted her head and with tears still in her eyes she asked, “Swim by?”
“Is that not the correct American expression?”
Melissa could not help but laugh at the man she loved. “No, I think you mean ‘the time will fly by’.”
“Yes, that is what I mean. It is a good thing that you are willing to come back to Germany to live. I might embarrass you with my English.”
“You could never embarrass me,” Melissa said with a solemn expression.
“Well, at least I got you to stop crying.” Stefan kissed her on her forehead. “You should go and get some sleep now.”
“I won’t be able to sleep tonight.”
“I know. Neither will I. But you need to try to get some rest. You have a long flight tomorrow.”
Tears welled up in her eyes once more.
“No more tears. Please, Melissa. I do not want us to part this way. I will see you tomorrow at the airport.”
Melissa sat back up in her seat. “No,” she said emphatically as she shook her head. “Saying goodbye to you at the airport would be even worse.”
“Okay, if you are sure.”
“Yes, I’m sure. Let’s say goodbye here.”
“Not goodbye, Melissa. Tschuess .”
“Yes, Tschuess ,” she agreed.
Stefan leaned over, took Melissa’s face in his hands and gave her a long, soft yet passionate kiss. “ Ich liebe dich ,” Stefan said.
“I love you, too. I’ll see you in twenty-eight months.”
“Yes, twenty-eight months.”
With her heart in her throat, Melissa got out of Stefan’s car. She walked to the door of her aunt’s house and turned to wave good-bye to Stefan. She watched as he drove away and felt as if she lost a special part of herself.
Chapter 7
The next day, Melissa and Brigitte sat in the airport in Frankfurt waiting for her flight to be called.
“What are you looking for?” Brigitte asked as she watched Melissa look around the airport.
“What? Oh nothing,” she said distractedly. She looked at her cousin and gave her a weak smile.
“I thought you told Stefan not to see you off at the airport.”
“I did.” She shrugged her shoulders. “But I thought he might show up anyway.”
Brigitte nodded. “Do you still plan to come back in two years?”
“Yes! I love Stefan so much. I can’t imagine living my life without him. These next two years are going to be so hard,” she answered with a sigh.
“I know. But you can do it.” Brigitte squeezed her cousin’s hand. “That is your flight they just called.”
“Okay.” Melissa stood up and grabbed her carry-on bag. She gave Brigitte a long hug. “Thank you so much for everything, especially for introducing me to Stefan.”
Smiling, Brigitte said, “ Bitteschon .”
“I’ll see you in two years.” Melissa walked over to the gate. Turning back to her cousin, she gave a quick look around the airport and spotted Stefan walking toward her. Melissa dropped her carry-on bag and ran into his waiting arms.