onto the pitch at Wembley. We think it’s all over.
5.13pm, July 30, 1966
It is now!
5.14pm, July 30, 1966
Kenneth Wolstenholme’s commentary of England’s 1966 World Cup Final victory over Germany has become legendary.
Pssst – ourselves, @Egypt, @Iraq and @Jordan have got a little surprise lined-up for the Jews!
8:14am, June 5, 1967
Pssst – we’ve got a little surprise lined-up ourselves…
8:15am, June 5, 1967
In June 1967, the armies of several Arab states prepared to attack the Jewish state of Israel. Egyptian state radio vowed to ‘Wipe Israel off the map’. Israel launched a pre-emptive strike and defeated all five armies in just six days.
They say if you Tweeted during the summer of love then you weren’t there…
7.12pm, July 5, 1967
During the summer of 1967 hundreds of thousands of hippies gathered in American cities including San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, and across Europe. These get-togethers became melting pots of drugs, sex and creative expression.
Ha – me and @BuzzAldrin are chilling on the moon! One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. #wishihadmygolfclubs
02.56, July 21, 1969
Pics or it didn’t happen…
09:32am, July 22, 1969
American Neil Armstrong has become the first man to walk on the Moon on July 22, 1969. He was joined by his colleague Edwin ‘Buzz’ Aldrin. The Soviet Union – and conspiracy theorists to this day – contest whether American astronauts ever achieved this feat.
In the future everybody will be world famous for 140 characters or fewer.
6.55pm, September 1, 1969
Andy Warhol, artist, film-maker and author, predicted that in the future everybody would be famous for 15 minutes. Thanks to Twitter, he was almost right.
Learn a chord, learn another chord, learn a third chord – now go and form a band.
10.21pm, June 2, 1976
@BillGrundy You dirty fucker!
6.58pm, December 1, 1976
@SteveJones What a clever boy!
6.58pm, December 1, 1976
@BillGrundy What a fucking rotter!
6.59pm, December 1, 1976
#FF @QueenLiz2 – the fascist regime, she made you a moron…
2.01pm, March 10, 1977
@JohnnyRotten Takes one to know one, one has always thought…
2.01pm, March 10, 1977
Feels good to be out on bail. I’m ready to party…
4.48pm, February 1, 1979
Punk Rock, which exploded in 1976, was spearheaded in Britain by The Sex Pistols. They shocked the nation by swearing at Bill Grundy on tea-time television, and producing their own anti-Jubilee song. Bassist Sid Vicious later died of a heroin overdose while out on bail for the murder of his former girlfriend, Nancy Spungen.
‘And if I do this I get far better reception.’
Just popping to the bathroom. BRB.
3.30pm, August 16, 1977
The King is dead. (I wouldn’t go in there for a bit.)
4.21pm, August 16, 1977
Elvis Presley died in the toilet of his mansion in Memphis on 16 August 1977. He was 42.
@TheCIA Hey, thanks for all the money and support as we fight to kick the Soviets out of Afghanistan
4.55am, August 1, 1979
@Mujahideen Don’t even mention it. You’re very welcome.
8.44am, August 1, 1979
@TheCIA Homies forever?
8.54am, August 1, 1979
@Mujahideen We’ll get back to you on that.
8.56am, August 1, 1979
In 1979, the CIA began to fund and support the Afghan Mujahideen rebels in their bid to get the Soviet army out of Afghanistan. One beneficiary of this funding and support was a young man called Osama Bin Laden.
Imagine all the people, living in harmony…
22.59pm, December 08, 1980
Yeah, imagine that…
23.01pm, December 08, 1980