The Siege of Kadenburg
    Pulling into the driveway behind Liam Bamey’s old mustang, Natalie got out of her own car with the bag of diapers in tow. She smiled as Mr. Bamey waved her over and she hurried up the steps, which had recently been fixed.
    “It’s coming together nicely,” she commented, pushing her hair away from her eyes with her free hand. “I see you’re still a damn good carpenter, Richie.”
    “And I always will be,” he grinned, glancing up at her as he wiped the sweat from his brow. “What ya got there? Some diapers?”
    “Yep,” she lifted the bag, examining it. “I figured they can’t have too many of these. At least that’s what I’ve heard.”
    “You’re damn right about that,” he chuckled, leaning back and sighing. “The kids are inside. I reckon Presley’s got one of her cravings again. We can’t seem to keep her away from the honey.”
    She noted the proud smile on Mr. Bamey’s face, and the way his eyes sparkled with happiness made her gush on the inside. She could see the excitement the man had over becoming a grandfather. Sometimes, she really hated that Arnold….
    Nope. Not thinking about it. She told herself as she laughed.
    “All good signs of a healthy little cub,” she commented before reaching for the screen door. “I’ll talk to you in a little bit.”
    She barely heard Richard’s response as she stepped inside the cozy atmosphere of Lorcan and Presley’s new home. Though it was an older home and it still needed many things fixed, the two youngsters had most certainly made it feel welcoming.
    “Presley!” She called out, making her way through the nearly naked living room before entering the dining room. “It’s Aunt Natty. Where are you?”
    “In here!” Presley called out from down the hallway. The girl’s laughter soon followed and it made Natalie wonder if she should go any further. Though she hadn’t experienced it for herself, she knew a young romance could be the happiest time of a person’s life. Oh, what she wouldn’t give to experience a racing pulse and sweaty palms over a man. It had happened once before….
    “Hey, Natalie,” Lorcan said with a cheesy grin as he exited the nursery. “Did you decide to come and help with painting? I hope so. Dimitri doesn’t have a damn clue as to what he’s doing.”
    “I heard that.” Dimitri responded loudly.
    “I’m sure he’s doing a fine job,” Natalie smiled, offering the bag of diapers to him. “These are for the baby. It’s never too early to stock up on things like this.”
    Lorcan accepted the bag, opening it up to peer inside before he released a low whistle, “If my kid goes through this many diapers, I may need to invest in a nose plug.”
    “Well you better start investing now,” Presley interrupted as she appeared at his side. She wrapped her arms around his torso, kissing at his muscular chest before gazing at her aunt. “Hi, Aunt Natty.”
    “Hi, Sweetie,” Natalie’s smile grew bigger as she stepped forward, eagerly pulling her niece into a tight hug. “I hope you don’t mind me dropping by. It seems you need the help, according to Lorcan.”
    “Well, I definitely won’t turn it away.” Presley said excitedly as she pulled back to stare at the other female.
    Natalie noticed how Presley was absolutely glowing. Her bright green eyes sparkled with happiness and the blush in her cheeks told Natalie that her niece was very much in love.
    “You just point me in the direction, sweetie and I’ll do whatever you need.” Natalie offered, watching as Presley moved back to Lorcan. They were like a magnetic force field with one another. They couldn’t be apart for very long. Oh, how Natalie longed for that sort of connection…..
    “Mrs. Bamey’s coming to help me with the kitchen. She’s bringing over some extra dishes she had in storage and we’re going to go through them. Would you like to help us?” Presley asked.
    Lorcan rolled his eyes as he wrapped his arm around Presley’s small
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