The Siege of Kadenburg
shoulders, “She means that she’s packing up half of her kitchen to give to us.” He laughed.
    “I’m sure your mama is thrilled about being a grandma,” Natalie nodded. “And yes, I would love to help. As long as I won’t be in the way…..”
    “What? No!” Presley shook her head, frowning a little. “You would never be in the way, Natalie. In fact, will you stay for dinner tonight? I’m cooking.”
    “Oh, god.” Rutley groaned from the nursery.
    “Nobody asked for your opinion!” Presley shouted playfully.
    As her niece led the way into the kitchen, Natalie couldn’t help but to feel happy. Everything was exactly how it should’ve been so many years ago.
    But like all good things, it would soon come to an end.
    W hat am I doing? What am I doing? Louisa repeated the question over and over again as her legs carried her towards the recently re-opened ice cream shop that was right in the middle of town. There weren’t many options when it came to fast food, and she could’ve gone to Nana Hettie’s for a quick meal…but no, she was heading directly for the one place she definitely didn’t need to be. He was there. He was working. He would see her.
    As the small bell chimed, signaling her arrival, Louisa’s eyes fell upon the small woman standing at the counter. Their gazes met and Louisa felt the color draining from her face.
    That’s his mom, she affirmed as she licked her lips quickly. Well, duh. Of course it was his mom. They’d met last month when Mrs. Kress arrived with her husband and their daughter. They’d returned to Kadenburg under the impression that their son was dead, but low and behold……
    “Louisa, hello!” Mrs. Kress said excitedly as she rounded the counter and approached her.
    Louisa was taken aback by the sudden bear hug, but she also took comfort in it. She wasn’t really used to such affections, but she welcomed these small moments from Mrs. Kress and Mrs. Bamey. Getting hugs made her feel the tiniest instances of love and family; how could she not like that?
    “Hello, Mrs. Kress,” Louisa said, pulling away from her and smiling. “Are you open today?”
    “Of course we are,” Mrs. Kress nodded eagerly. “We’ve been open for three days now. I thought you would’ve come by sooner….did you get the invitation for our re-opening party?”
    “I did,” Louisa admitted with a small blush. “I’m sorry I couldn’t make it. I was helping Beau move furniture into our new place.”
    That was not a lie. She did help Beau move in a new couch and recliner. Her cousin had taken out some of their funds to make a down payment on an apartment. Beau said that if they were planning to stay in Kadenburg for an extended period of time, he didn’t want to do so while sleeping on the Bamey couch.
    It was a lovely little apartment. Two bedrooms, one and a half bath, and Beau could walk to work. It was a win-win. Of course, that also meant that Louisa could walk to town, and she’d somehow managed to end up here.
    “Don’t fret,” Mrs. Kress argued gently. “We’re happy to see you. Are you hungry? Let me get a menu for you.”
    Before Louisa had time to get a word in edge-wise, Mrs. Kress was already making her way back to the counter. Louisa pursed her lips together, glancing around at the decorations. That was a really cool Elvis Presley poster…..
    Her heart dropped into her stomach when she heard his voice. Her face immediately heated up to the temperature of the sun as she turned her head to see Greg standing in the doorway that led to the kitchen. He was holding a large box of something, and his eyes were on her.
    “H-hi, Greg.” She managed in a small voice. Urseth, could she be any more obvious? He looked so gorgeous and she couldn’t help herself. It was very wrong to think of him in that way. It was disrespectful to her dead mate-to-be, and she felt guilty that such feelings were appearing so soon.
    “Hey,” he
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