The Last Stand (Book 3) (The Repentant Demon Trilogy)

The Last Stand (Book 3) (The Repentant Demon Trilogy) Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: The Last Stand (Book 3) (The Repentant Demon Trilogy) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Samantha Johns
Angel seemed to like him better than she had the day before when she had actually snapped at him.  It may have been first day anxiety that had set her on edge, or it could have been the intensity of their discussion.  She was very protective of her family despite her small size.   Now she stood before him wagging her tail and begging to be petted.  He scratched her behind the ears, and the dog seemed to fall in love with him.  She was an absolute sucker for ear scratching.
    “This isn't the kind of dog you usually find out here,” Foley commented.   “She's a little out of her element, I think.  There are a number of predatory animals that have been known to find their way down this far, especially when the severe winter weather hits and their food sources get scarce.  You should pick up her doo-doo and don't let her bark too much.”
    “Brady McFarland already warned us about that,” said Abigail, not offering any more about their lengthy conversation.  She was warming to him, too, now that Angel seemed to like him.  And she thought it was so funny for a man like him to use the word “doo doo.”
    “Oh, so you've met the McFarlands,” said Agent Foley, a little exasperated.  “They don't like me much.  And I'm sure you share their opinion , not that I blame you.  I'd feel the same way if I were in your shoes.  But just try to remember that I'm only here doing my job, part of which is to protect your lives.  That's all that matters to me.  I'm not trying to win any popularity contests.”
    “Actually, we met Brady McFarland, but not his wife,” said Abigail.  “We are going to have dinner with them both tonight.  Will Cal be back in time?”
    “He should be finished by early afternoon,” said Foley, “Try to understand that I'll always tell you what you need to know, maybe not everything you want to know.  And some things I just can't tell you at all.  It's not personal.”
    “So you were saying that living quarters are being built down at the lake area,” said Cal.
    “Yes, for both military personnel and possible refugees,” he repeated simply.  “They will be digging for septic tanks, running utilities in, and even expanding the McFarland's livestock barns.  We will be raising chickens for eggs and meat, dairy goats, some cattle, and next spring we will construct a large greenhouse.  A new well is almost ready that should provide enough clean water for all of us and even as many as three thousand people.  It won't take long for the families to arrive.  They're on their way.  We expect refugees in a matter of days or weeks after Christmas, depending on how bad the infrastructure is damaged and what kind of emergency preparations they have in their homes.”
    Cal left with Agent Foley, kissing Abigail good-bye as if he were an ordinary husband going off to an ordinary job.  They all knew it wouldn't stay this way for long, but it seemed important to make the most of this brief time before the dreaded events began .  Abigail went about her regular chores, cleaning up the dishes from breakfast then attacking some more unopened boxes.  She managed to pack up several containers of summer things, as well as household decorative items that could go into the barn storage. 
    But she refused to part with her books, or her amulet—the Egyptian artifact of Bes Pataikoi.  She placed it on a shelf to display it prominently.  Ample bookcases had been built onto both sides of the fireplace wall, and she planned to fill them up.  Just seeing her books would make the place feel homier . 
    Suddenly there arose a huge commotion outside; honking horns, yelling and sirens .  Abigail ran to the porch to witness three RV's roaring toward her cabin with military vehicles in fast pursuit.  They came to a screeching halt at the foot of her front porch steps.
    The three drivers sat with arms raised in surrender as armed servicemen pointed guns at them
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