The Last Stand (Book 3) (The Repentant Demon Trilogy)

The Last Stand (Book 3) (The Repentant Demon Trilogy) Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Last Stand (Book 3) (The Repentant Demon Trilogy) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Samantha Johns
through closed windows.  Abigail watched from the relative safety of her porch as the drivers slowly exited their vehicles crossing their arms behind their heads as soldiers shouted orders at them.  One of them she recognized immediately as their old friend.
    “Officer Mike!” yelled Abigail, flying down the steps, only to stop dead in her tracks as one of the gunmen swerved sharply pointing his firearm at her. “This is my friend,” she explained angrily, “Why are you treating him and his family like criminals?”
    “Our orders are to direct all incoming traffic to the compound,” said the young serviceman dressed in fatigues, lowering his gun.  “These people refused.”
    “We were given directions to the cabin,” explained Mike Edwards, showing his ID.  “Check with Agent Rick Foley,” he added.  “ We were following his orders.  It was my understanding that he is in charge of this operation.   He told us to come days ago, but it isn't easy traveling with a bunch of women and children.”
    “Sorry, sir,” said another uniformed soldier, walking toward them while motioning for the other men to lower their weapons.   “It was probably a misunderstanding.  He should have told you that's where we have prepared spaces for you to hook up your electricity and plumbing.  We've been expecting you.”
    “Well we'd like to visit for a while,” said Abigail to the waiting military escort as a whole, “Could n’t they drive down there later?”  She waved to the families peering through kid-smudged windows that they should come inside.  The doors flew open like flood-gates and a deluge of men, women, and children.  Even a large bulldog poured into a cabin that didn't seem nearly large enough to hold them all.  Like clowns exiting a circus car, it looked as though they must have been impossibly cramped inside for such a very lengthy road trip.
    As they filed past Abigail, Officer Mike attempted to introduce them all, and also suggested that it was time they stop referring to him as “Officer” Mike, since he was not serving in that capacity in this situation.  “This is my son Nathan, the red-headed one,” he said, pointing, “and his wife Ruthie, the pregnant one.  Then there are their two sons, Mickey, the red-headed eight-year-old and Stephen, their oldest, who is ten.”
    “Hi,” they all said at once, and Ruthie added, “We're having a girl this time,” pointing to her enormous baby bump.  “Rayetta is due Christmas Day.”
    “That's my middle name,” gasped Abigail, “I've never met anyone else with that name.”
    “I thought it was pretty,” explained Mike, “so I mentioned it when they were trying to decide, after they found out it was a girl.  I hope you don't mind.”
    “Mind?” she exclaimed, “I love it!  What an honor, really.  I'm having a boy, otherwise I might have wanted to use the name myself.”
    “I didn't know,” said Mike, “Congratulations!  You aren't showing yet, I see.”
    “No,” Abigail answered, “I'm still at the morning sickness stage.  That's going to keep me from gaining any weight for a while.”
    “A s for the next faction of the clan,” Mike continued, “This is my daughter, Jodie, and her husband Jerry Decker, their son David, seven, and their daughter, Claudia, who is five.  You know me,” he laughed, “and this is my lovely wife, Sandra.”
    Sandra was a tall blond woman, explaining a lot of the diversity in hair color among the family.  Jodie had long blond hair like her mother, only it fell in waves, not like Sandra's straight thick pony tail.  Little Claudia had the same blond curls as her mother.  The children were mixed blonds, brunettes, and red-heads.  It was like a living rainbow of children.
    “We're not going to stay long,” assured Sandra, noticing the size of the crowd inside the little cabin, “but we wanted to get acquainted, and also move around
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