The Guardian Alpha
Still, the talk of the negotiations wafted too close for comfort. She tried to shut her ears out to the noise as she twisted through the corridors that were slowly sloping downward.
    She passed by two hulking guards, both who nodded and dropped their gazes as Kristi passed. Finally, she stepped into the huge cavern that housed their hoard. As soon as she stepped onto the runes, the alchemist fire in the ceiling gently lit. Her eyes quickly adjusted and she gleaned over the accumulated items. Two hundred years worth of looting and raiding stretched out before Kristi. Useless things like books and paintings and decorations filled the room, but there were items of immense use.
    To her left sat all the medical supplies they had collected. Medicines, bottles, bandages, wraps, gauze, and more lined the tables in neat lines, similar objects clustered together. She had visited this room plenty times, seeking medical supplies. However, this time, she turned to her right.
    A wall of weaponry stretched out before her. All of it sickeningly gleamed under the alchemist light and Kristi's stomach churned. The hair along her skin stood on end and her body slowed. She fought her instincts as she neared the silver.
    Buckets lined the wall just below the weapons. More silver - ready to be forged into swords and maces and bullets – filled those buckets: silverware, necklaces, and rings, anything that hadn't been screwed down at the time of the raid. To Alpha Gavin, anything and everything was fair game in this war.
    Kristi edged closer to the buckets. Her wrist, where that bear trap had clamped down on her, burned as she neared the materials. She rubbed her skin and her mind slagged behind the thought of using these weapons. Her imagination brought the scent of silver burn, the painful screams and yowls of battle, the hiss of metal through flesh, and the ricochets of gunshots.
    Then Jay's face lit up in her mind. Anger and rage and bitterness clamped down on her. How did they know Goldbridge hadn't prepared for war, as well? That stinking town could have triple the silver and more lethal weapons. This was a matter of protecting the pack – even if it meant raining down bloodshed on Goldbridge.
    She reached for the protective gloves that hung on the walls. Adrenaline pumped through her veins as she tugged the gloves on and turned to the barrels of silver. Maybe there was another way, though. Two packs at war, one alpha falls. The packs become one. Kristi swallowed as a plan began to scurry and grow in her head.
    “There you are!” Selene's voice shattered Kristi's thoughts. She stifled her jolt of surprise and turned as Selene approached her. The redhead's eyes shifted from Kristi's face to the silver. Something changed in Selene's stance as she returned her gaze to Kristi's eyes. “I'm sure you've heard how the meeting went.”
    Kristi turned away, finishing tugging the gloves into place. She only grunted in reply to Selene, before snatching a sheaf of papers pinned to the wall. Pretending to flip through the inventory sheets and smelting schedule – which had been delayed thanks to negotiations – Kristi refused to look to her co-alpha.
    “They seem sincere, Kristi,” Selene said, her voice soft with frustration and uncertainty.
    Kristi didn't bother looking up as she flipped another paper. “They always do.”
    “You can't hold the whole town to Jay's actions.” Selene's words came out harsh and angry.
    Kristi almost felt bad. She turned and caught Selene's glower. She cocked an eyebrow at her co-alpha, as if to say 'watch me.'
    Selene heaved a sigh and ran her hand through her hair. The twinge of guilt laced through Kristi's thoughts. Selene was trying to take the mature route. She knew that. Bitterness and hurt dragged Kristi down as soon as she considered an alliance or renewed contract with Goldbridge. And she couldn't argue against the feelings. Jay had betrayed her.
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