The Guardian Alpha
under the tension. Heat intensified while a chilly air infiltrated Kristi's bones. If this would come down to claws, Kristi's was prepared. Part of her, though, was thankful for a lack of an audience. Selene was a good alpha and doing her best, but it seemed Alpha Gavin was the bite behind their leadership.
    “Alpha Selene, Alpha Kristi, we have an urgent matter!” A pack member rushed into the inventory room, red-faced and out of breath. His wide eyes bounced between Kristi and Selene. He seemed completely ignorant of the death glares the alphas pinned against him. Or, perhaps, his news was simply much more important. “Three pups have gone missing.”

    After getting dressed and arranging 'sitters' for Vera and Lily, Jay sprinted to the hospital. He charged his way through the corridors as if he were trying to lose the concerns that followed him. He couldn't shake off the scenarios that kept playing through his head. His stomach had curdled and soured, sticking to his ribs.
    Finally, his eyes lit on the long, black braid of Dr. Young. She turned as he approached, her brown eyes warm and sympathetic. “Mr. Ward, I'm glad you made it so quickly.”
    “What happened?” Jay swallowed down his nausea, replacing it with frustration and worry.
    “She was hit by a car,” Dr. Young averted her gaze to the clipboard. She turned, obviously expecting him to follow her as she strolled down the corridor. Jay's blood turned to ice. A car accident? So a citizen was involved and Hazel was in bad shape. He fell in line behind Dr. Young as she continued, unaware of the inner turmoil she unleashed in his head, “It was low speed. The car had just started forward after stopping at an intersection. She darted out in front of the car.”
    Jay fought against his tightened throat and his suddenly too-dry mouth, “Is Hazel hurt?”
    “A couple fractured ribs and some scrapes and bruises.” Dr. Young still didn't look up from her clipboard. She flipped papers, eyeballing them intently. “Overall, rather minor.”
    “You call all that minor ?” Jay thought he'd be sick all over the hospital's sanitary floor. When Kristi or Selene found out – hell, when they both found out! – it'd make the negotiations all the worse. He swallowed his wince as his imagination played out potential scenarios.
    “Mr. Ward,” Dr. Young turned sharply to him, her gaze turning sharp, “have you seen some victims of vehicular incidents?”
    He paused, thinking over the various news articles he'd seen over his life. They all featured gruesome, mangled hunks of metal and people, half-dead and dappled with bandages. “Point taken,” breathed Jay, as he ran a hand through his hair. “Can I see her?”
    “That's why we called you.” Dr. Young stopped in front of a doorway. Her gaze slid sidelong to the closed door and Jay knew that's where Hazel was being kept. He strained to hear her beyond the walls. Nothing sounded inside. Concerned began to swell inside Jay, but Dr. Young's crisp voice broke through his worries, “When we brought her in, she was full of piss and vinegar. We sedated her before she could hurt herself or anyone else.” Dr. Young winced apologetically, her gaze hesitantly flicking to Jay's face, “We don't want to pump her full of drugs, so we were hoping you could talk to her.”
    Relief flooded into his head. Hazel was all right. She was quiet, because she was anesthetized, not thanks to pain. Jay heaved a heavy sigh, before nodding, “Yes, I will talk to her. Thank you, doctor.”
    Dr. Young chuckled, her smile warming her whole demeanor, “Not a problem. For a pup, she's strong and rather tenacious.”
    “Well, that's how they raise them in the pack.” Jay chuckled, a crooked grin twitching along his lips. He suddenly realized where he was and his smile dulled to a faint, thin curve.
    The doctor averted her gaze as her brow wrinkled. She had something on
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