Neptune's Ring
with her new pet,” Liz
said to Nat as she watched the exchange between Simone and Del.
    “If it will keep her out of Levi’s business
she can play with whomever she wants,” Nat said.
    “You know she’s going to play with whoever
she wants to anyhow,” Liz said with a chuckle.
    “True, but let’s hope this one satisfies
Simone for a few days,” Nat said as she took a bite of her
    “I am crossing my fingers,” Liz said as she
turned back to her meal.
    Del felt her insides quiver as Simone’s
tongue brushed across her lips and she boldly lifted Simone’s chin
and kissed her lips.
    Del’s lips were soft as they caressed
Simone’s. So maybe we won’t spend much time at the club tonight,
she thought. Just long enough to get some information and make an
appearance on the dance floor before she would take Del back to the
penthouse for a real test.
    Del smiled proud that she met Simone’s
challenge and turned around to take her seat. They finished their
meal and each had another drink before they left the dining
    Del tucked Simone’s left hand under her elbow
and strutted as they left the resort and walked to the club. They
stepped inside the dark club and Simone walked to the bar for
drinks as Del found them a table.
    Simone was disappointed that Levi was not
behind the bar and was greeted warmly by Susan.
    “Good evening, Ms. Taylor,” she said. “What
may I get you?”
    “A scotch on the rocks and a crown and coke,”
Simone said. “Where is Levi?” she asked.
    “Levi has taken a few days of vacation,”
Susan said.
    “Well good for her. Do you know where she
went or when she will be back?” Simone asked.
    “No, Ms. Taylor, I don’t,” Susan said as she
handed her the drinks. “Start a tab?” she asked.
    “Yes please,” Simone said, as she walked back
to the table, frustrated that she didn’t get any information from
    NeNe started a slow song just as Simone,
reached the table.
    “Would you care to dance?” Simone asked.
    “I would love to,” Del said, as she rose and
allowed Simone to lead her to the dance floor.
    Del carefully placed her arms around Simone’s
waist as they moved slowly together on the dance floor.
    Simone could feel the heat in Del’s body as
she pressed her body close to Del. Her hand caressed the back of
Del’s neck as they danced and she could feel a slight quivering in
Del’s body as she played in the soft hairs on the base of her neck.
She placed her thigh between Del’s wanting to be certain that her
soon to be young lover was sufficiently turned on.
    NeNe sensed the mood on the dance floor and
continued with the slow grinding music for two more sets. When the
second song began, Simone turned her face to Del and kissed her
deeply as her thigh pressed into Del’s wetness. Del’s moans
vibrated in Simone’s mouth as she continued her seduction.
    Simone broke the kiss and turned in Del’s
arms. “Wrap your arms around me,” she instructed and Del eagerly
complied as she ground her hips into Simone’s ass. “Oh yes baby,
that’s it,” Simone whispered as she lifted Del’s hands to cover her
    In the darkness of the dance floor, Simone
took Del’s left hand in hers and placed it over her mound. “Feel
how hot you have gotten me?” Simone purred into her ear,
    “Yes, Simone and I want you so,” Del
whispered into Simone’s ear as her teeth nibbled on her ear
    “Soon,” Simone said, as she lifted Del’s hand
to her lips and licked the tips of her fingers.
    Del’s breathing was becoming ragged as Simone
licked her fingers and Simone knew she would receive great pleasure
tonight by this young tiger.
    “Are you ready to go someplace more private?”
Simone asked coyly.
    “Yes, please,” she said. They left the club,
their untouched drinks still sitting on the table.
    Del took Simone’s hand and walked quickly
back into the resort. Simone kissed her passionately as they rode
the elevator to the penthouse. Del took
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