The Good Girl
you’ve been expecting me.” Then I reached for the drink and took a healthy, stabilizing swig.

    “Maybe just a little,” he responded with his classic wink. “I mean, how long could a type A like you survive without this.” He patted his vest pocket and after glancing about conspicuously, he pulled it open just enough to reveal the phone secreted within.

    I could feel a squeal rising in my throat, it was all I could do to control the sound, but nothing could keep me from diving over the bar with my arm outstretched as I reached for my phone. Naturally, he had simply taken a step back and away from me while stifling a laugh.

    “Sorry, doll,” he said while shaking his head. “Nothing in life is that easy. You should know that by now.” His blue eyes stared at me intently.

    My stomach was doing somersaults. All I wanted to do was get my phone and go...maybe finish my drink. Instead, he was holding me hostage with it. “So now what?” I tried to project this relaxed and confident demeanor, but much like before, in his presence, I was doing a poor job of it.

    “Well, I thought we might play a game. You’re fun, right?” He laughed at his cleverness.
    “Oh, yeah. I’m loads of fun, especially when I’m load ed ...apparently. Again, I what?” My arms were currently crossed over my chest. He was making me good and nervous.

    Once again, he leaned over the bar, “Well, I thought I’d ask you some questions...instead of Truth or Dare, we’ll make up our own game...Truth or Truth. I’ll decide if you reveal enough with your response. If you do, with each answer, you earn back a piece of your phone.” He studied me, watching for a reaction.

    It was my turn to be calm and collected. I met him on the bar. We were practically nose to nose, separated by my martini glass. Stirring it slowly, I made him wait on my reaction. Then I took the cherry from the rim and popped it into my mouth. After devouring it while he watched, his eyes intense and hungry, I smiled. I had no choice, really. Wyatt had my phone and seemed determined to mess with me. I refused to let him win. Instead, I exuded confidence. “Let’s play.”

    A waitress showed up at the end of the bar to place a drink order. Reluctantly, Wyatt walked away, but not before giving me his seductive smile and saying, “I’ll be right back, doll. Stay put.”

    Naturally, I stayed. There was no way around it, if I wanted my phone. Oh, and I’d probably be lying just a little if I didn’t admit that he intrigued me more than a bit. The man was sex incarnate. If I could just get him interested in me, I might stand a shot at my dream job. Since the last thing I wanted was for him to see me sitting there waiting on him, I made sure that I looked busy. Of course, that would be easier to do... if I had my phone. Luckily, my last act before leaving the house was to print off a bit of research. My search had been simple. What did I need to know in order to be a successful sex columnist? Aside from the obvious: sex. From there...I tried all kinds of crazy keywords, but what yielded the most success: sex bucket list.
    Would you believe that there really were lists for that? And I’m not talking a list of ten, or twenty things that everyone should try before dying...fifty! Yes, before me was a lengthy list of fifty things to do sexually before dying. Guess how many I had done? One. Seriously...only one: #26. Sex with no kissing.

    That wasn’t even really intentional on my part. I don’t think. Soon, I was super absorbed in this list, so absorbed that I didn’t even notice that he was standing before me once more, refilling my glass, adding extra cherries, and trying to peek at what was stealing his attention. “Hey!” I exclaimed as he tried to snatch the paper from me.

    “Well, I know what my first question will be,” he said with a laugh. “Are you ready to play, doll?”

    Frowning at him, I opened my mouth without thinking. “First, answer
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