The Good Girl
“How many more questions before I have all the pieces to my phone?” Then I waited. He was making quite the show of calculating how many bits he could break it into. Wyatt counted on his fingers. He peeked in his pocket. Finally, he had an answer. Without saying a word, he held up his fingers. Four on one hand. Two on the other. “Forty-two!” I shrieked.
    Shaking his head vehemently, he rearranged his fingers. “No! Six! Six.” He laughed. “I only have six more questions for you...that you have to answer.” He looked up at me from his position leaning on the bar. I swear, if he were a dog, I’d be seeing his underbelly right now.
    With a defeated sigh, I slipped back onto the bar stool. “Well, compared to forty-two, six doesn’t seem so bad.” After composing myself, I gave him the go ahead. “Carry on.”

    Shaking his head, he mumbled under his breath something about how I thought I was the queen of Sheba. Then he noticed the customer a few seats down, motioned with his head, and walked over to take the drink order. While he was gone, I couldn’t help but to consider that I liked our interactions. Was this banter? I was actually having fun. Even when he frustrated the hell out of me, there was something playful and harmless about it. Could I have him all wrong? He glanced my way and smirked. Crap. I just managed to get caught staring at him. Dammit. I probably even had some kind of stupid look on my face.

    So, I pulled out the list once more. This should capture my attention. After careful examination, I realized that there was no rhyme or reason to the list. It started out pretty tame:
    #1. Kiss a girl.

    Then it jumped a little with:
    #2. Have anal.

    Come on. I’ve barely had vaginal. Not only that, it wasn’t even good. I have never had an orgasm. Seriously. No threesomes (#3). No group sex (#4). No phone sex (#5). And, as a Stone, I had certainly never masturbated (#6). Maybe I should just start there. Maybe a person can never have decent sex with another if they can’t learn to satisfy themselves first. I mean, if a guy cared, how would I be able to tell him what I like, what feels good if I don’t even know myself? This was why Jacqueline was giving the column to Molina. There’s a girl who looked like she knew herself. Hell, there were probably a dozen guys who knew her, too.

    “This list that you are so absorbed many items are on it?” He was smiling at me over the edge of the paper I was holding up in my hand.

    Looking him head on, I asked, “Is this my next question?” He nodded and I was momentarily distracted by the twinkle in his intensely blue eyes. “There are fifty items on the list.” Once more my hand shot out. This time I was rewarded with the front of the phone case. I set it on the bar in front of me and laid the screw inside it. Taking a deep breath, I feared that the easy questions were taken care of. He was like a dog with a bone. He had found something that he wanted and wasn’t going to let go. His grip was tightening. My only hope was to increase the pace so he wouldn’t have time to think about it.

    “Are these like fifty things you should do...a sexy kind of bucket list?” He looked at me intently. Apparently this was my next question.

    “Yes,” I said simply adding a shrug. I was already imagining the next logical question and dreading it. Before I could help myself, I had swallowed and was answering it...unasked. “And I’ve only done one of them: sex with no kissing.” It was all I could do to maintain the Stone family posture. The Cosmo helped. I picked it up and took another fortifying sip.

    His head tilted as he surveyed my actions. “In my experience, sex with kissing is the best kind.” Then he reached over, covered my hand for a moment, and finally lifted my hand and kissed it ever so gallantly while staring into my eyes.

    Somersaults. My stomach started doing them. Damn, he was good.

    Before I could say anything, the back side of
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