The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles

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Book: The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles Read Online Free PDF
Author: Noam Nisan
given test script. There exist many commercial hardware simulators on the market, and these vary greatly in terms of cost, complexity, and ease of use. Together with this book we provide a simple (and free!) hardware simulator that is sufficiently powerful to support sophisticated hardware design projects. In particular, the simulator provides all the necessary tools for building, testing, and integrating all the chips presented in the book, leading to the construction of a general-purpose computer. Figure 1.7 illustrates a typical chip simulation session.

1.2 Specification

    This section specifies a typical set of gates, each designed to carry out a common Boolean operation. These gates will be used in the chapters that follow to construct the full architecture of a typical modern computer. Our starting point is a single primitive Nand gate, from which all other gates will be derived recursively. Note that we provide only the gates’ specifications, or interfaces, delaying implementation details until a subsequent section. Readers who wish to construct the specified gates in HDL are encouraged to do so, referring to appendix A as needed. All the gates can be built and simulated on a personal computer, using the hardware simulator supplied with the book.

    Figure 1.7 A screen shot of simulating an Xor chip on the hardware simulator. The simulator state is shown just after the test script has completed running. The pin values correspond to the last simulation step ( a = b = 1). Note that the output file generated by the simulation is consistent with the Xor truth table, indicating that the loaded HDL program delivers a correct Xor functionality. The compare file, not shown in the figure and typically specified by the chip’s client, has exactly the same structure and contents as that of the output file. The fact that the two files agree with each other is evident from the status message displayed at the bottom of the screen.

1.2.1 The Nand Gate

    The starting point of our computer architecture is the Nand gate, from which all other gates and chips are built. The Nand gate is designed to compute the following Boolean function:
    Throughout the book, we use “chip API boxes” to specify chips. For each chip, the API specifies the chip name, the names of its input and output pins, the function or operation that the chip effects, and an optional comment.

1.2.2 Basic Logic Gates

    Some of the logic gates presented here are typically referred to as “elementary” or “basic.” At the same time, every one of them can be composed from Nand gates alone. Therefore, they need not be viewed as primitive.
    Not The single-input Not gate, also known as “converter,” converts its input from 0 to 1 and vice versa. The gate API is as follows:
    And The And function returns 1 when both its inputs are 1, and 0 otherwise.

    Or The Or function returns 1 when at least one of its inputs is 1, and 0 otherwise.

    Xor The Xor function, also known as “exclusive or,” returns 1 when its two inputs have opposing values, and 0 otherwise.

    Multiplexor A multiplexor (figure 1.8) is a three-input gate that uses one of the inputs, called “selection bit,” to select and output one of the other two inputs, called “data bits.” Thus, a better name for this device might have been selector. The name multiplexor was adopted from communications systems, where similar devices are used to serialize (multiplex) several input signals over a single output wire.

    Figure 1.8 Multiplexor. The table at the top right is an abbreviated version of the truth table on the left.

    Figure 1.9 Demultiplexor.

1.2.3 Multi-Bit Versions of Basic Gates

    Computer hardware is typically designed to operate on multi-bit arrays called “buses.” For example, a basic requirement of a 32-bit computer is to be able to compute (bit-wise) an And function on two given 32-bit buses. To implement this operation, we can build an array of 32 binary And gates,
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