The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles

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Book: The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles Read Online Free PDF
Author: Noam Nisan
copper wire, and three bins labeled “And gates,” “Or gates,” and “Not gates,” each containing many identical copies of these elementary logic gates. Each of these gates is sealed in a plastic casing that exposes some input and output pins, as well as a power supply plug. To get started, we pin figure 1.5 to our garage wall and proceed to realize it using our hardware. First, we take two And gates, two Not gates, and one Or gate, and mount them on a board according to the figure’s layout. Next, we connect the chips to one another by running copper wires among them and by soldering the wire ends to the respective input/output pins. Now, if we follow the gate diagram carefully, we will end up having three exposed wire ends. We then solder a pin to each one of these wire ends, seal the entire device (except for the three pins) in a plastic casing, and label it “Xor.” We can repeat this assembly process many times over. At the end of the day, we can store all the chips that we’ve built in a new bin and label it “Xor gates.” If we (or other people) are asked to construct some other chips in the future, we’ll be able to use these Xor gates as elementary building blocks, just as we used the And, Or, and Not gates before.
    As the reader has probably sensed, the garage approach to chip production leaves much to be desired. For starters, there is no guarantee that the given chip diagram is correct. Although we can prove correctness in simple cases like Xor, we cannot do so in many realistically complex chips. Thus, we must settle for empirical testing: Build the chip, connect it to a power supply, activate and deactivate the input pins in various configurations, and hope that the chip outputs will agree with its specifications. If the chip fails to deliver the desired outputs, we will have to tinker with its physical structure—a rather messy affair. Further, even if we will come up with the right design, replicating the chip assembly process many times over will be a time-consuming and error-prone affair. There must be a better way!

1.1.4 Hardware Description Language (HDL)

    Today, hardware designers no longer build anything with their bare hands. Instead, they plan and optimize the chip architecture on a computer workstation, using structured modeling formalisms like Hardware Description Language, or HDL (also known as VHDL, where V stands for Virtual ). The designer specifies the chip structure by writing an HDL program, which is then subjected to a rigorous battery of tests. These tests are carried out virtually, using computer simulation: A special software tool, called a hardware simulator, takes the HDL program as input and builds an image of the modeled chip in memory. Next, the designer can instruct the simulator to test the virtual chip on various sets of inputs, generating simulated chip outputs. The outputs can then be compared to the desired results, as mandated by the client who ordered the chip built.
    In addition to testing the chip’s correctness, the hardware designer will typically be interested in a variety of parameters such as speed of computation, energy consumption, and the overall cost implied by the chip design. All these parameters can be simulated and quantified by the hardware simulator, helping the designer optimize the design until the simulated chip delivers desired cost/performance levels.
    Thus, using HDL, one can completely plan, debug, and optimize the entire chip before a single penny is spent on actual production. When the HDL program is deemed complete, that is, when the performance of the simulated chip satisfies the client who ordered it, the HDL program can become the blueprint from which many copies of the physical chip can be stamped in silicon. This final step in the chip life cycle—from an optimized HDL program to mass production—is typically out-sourced to companies that specialize in chip fabrication, using one switching technology or another.
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