The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles

The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles Read Online Free PDF
Author: Noam Nisan
Building a Xor Gate As we have seen in figures 1.2 and 1.5, one way to define exclusive or is Xor( a , b ) = Or(And( a , Not( b )), And(Not( a ), b )). This logic can be expressed either graphically, as a gate diagram, or textually, as an HDL program. The latter program is written in the HDL variant used throughout this book, defined in appendix A. See figure 1.6 for the details.
    Explanation An HDL definition of a chip consists of a header section and a parts section. The header section specifies the chip interface, namely the chip name and the names of its input and output pins. The parts section describes the names and topology of all the lower-level parts (other chips) from which this chip is constructed. Each part is represented by a statement that specifies the part name and the way it is connected to other parts in the design. Note that in order to write such statements legibly, the HDL programmer must have a complete documentation of the underlying parts’ interfaces. For example, figure 1.6 assumes that the input and output pins of the Not gate are labeled in and out, and those of And and Or are labeled a, b and out. This API-type information is not obvious, and one must have access to it before one can plug the chip parts into the present code.
    Inter-part connections are described by creating and connecting internal pins, as needed. For example, consider the bottom of the gate diagram, where the output of a Not gate is piped into the input of a subsequent And gate. The HDL code describes this connection by the pair of statements Not(...,out=nota) and And(a=nota,...). The first statement creates an internal pin (outbound wire) named nota, feeding out into it. The second statement feeds the value of nota into the a input of an And gate. Note that pins may have an unlimited fan out. For example, in figure 1.6, each input is simultaneously fed into two gates. In gate diagrams, multiple connections are described using forks. In HDL, the existence of forks is implied by the code.

    Figure 1.6 HDL implementation of a Xor gate.

    Testing Rigorous quality assurance mandates that chips be tested in a specific, replicable, and well-documented fashion. With that in mind, hardware simulators are usually designed to run test scripts, written in some scripting language. For example, the test script in figure 1.6 is written in the scripting language understood by the hardware simulator supplied with the book. This scripting language is described fully in appendix B.
    Let us give a brief description of the test script from figure 1.6. The first two lines of the test script instruct the simulator to load the Xor.hdl program and get ready to print the values of selected variables. Next, the script lists a series of testing scenarios, designed to simulate the various contingencies under which the Xor chip will have to operate in “real-life” situations. In each scenario, the script instructs the simulator to bind the chip inputs to certain data values, compute the resulting output, and record the test results in a designated output file. In the case of simple gates like Xor, one can write an exhaustive test script that enumerates all the possible input values of the gate. The resulting output file (right side of figure 1.6) can then be viewed as a complete empirical proof that the chip is well designed. The luxury of such certitude is not feasible in more complex chips, as we will see later.

1.1.5 Hardware Simulation

    Since HDL is a hardware construction language, the process of writing and debugging HDL programs is quite similar to software development. The main difference is that instead of writing code in a language like Java, we write it in HDL, and instead of using a compiler to translate and test the code, we use a hardware simulator. The hardware simulator is a computer program that knows how to parse and interpret HDL code, turn it into an executable representation, and test it according to the specifications of a
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