The Culture of Fear

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Author: Barry Glassner
    Harris, Scott on homicide reporting
    Hastings Center Report, on Ritalin
    Harvard University
    Health and Human Services Department, United States
    black men and
    Heaton, Jeanne
    Thorpe and
    Hentoff, Nat on Muhammad
    Heimpel, Daniel
    Herbert, Bob
    Muhammad/anti-Semitism and
    Herd immunity
    return of
    Hersh, Seymour on nerve gas exposure
    Hilgeman, Georgia
    Ideon and
    Hill and Knowlton, Kuwaitis/public relations and
    Hinckley, John
    Hinson, David
    on Valujet crash

    Hitchcock, Alfred
    HLN (CNN’s Headline News Network)
    Hoffman, Donna on cyberporn
    Hoffmann-La Roche, Rohypnol and
    Hollings, Ernest
    Homeland Security, Department of
    on television
    of tourists
    victims of
    workplace. See also Mass murder
    fear mongering and
    mass murder and
    pedophilia and
    Homosexuality AIDS and
    Horn, Wade on fatherlessness
    Horowitz, David
    on television/murder rate
    Hurt, Nathaniel shooting by
    Husband abuse. See Battered husbands
    Hussein, Saddam
    Hysterical Epidemics and Modern Media (Showalter)

    IAPA. See International Airline Passengers Association
    Ident-A-Kid, child registration by
    Ideon Group, child registration by
    Bennett on
    panic mongering about
    teen motherhood and
    Illiberal Education (D’Souza)
    Illness as Metaphor (Sontag)
    media and
    Immigrants, fears about
    Immunizations. See Vaccines
    Imus, Don
    Indianapolis Star, on teen gambling
    Indiscriminate victimization, myth of
    Influenza epidemic, of 1918,
    Innocent Images
    Institute for Food and Development Policy, statistics from(n4)
    Insurance companies, psychiatric hospitalization and
    Intermittent explosive disorder
    International Airline Passengers Association (IAPA)
    Internet, pornography/pedophilia on
    Internet, positive uses
    Internet addiction
    Internet paranoia
    Invasion from Mars, The (Cantril)
    Invisible Man (Ellison)
    Iraq War I. see Gulf War Syndrome
    Iraq War II,
    It Takes a Village (Clinton)
    Ivy, Marilyn on missing children/marketing
    Izquierdo, Elisa murder of

    Jackson,Jesse teen motherhood and
    Jacobs, Durand on teen gambling
    Jardine, Alice on PC,
    Jarriel, Tom on road rage
    Jenkins, Philip on homophobia/pedophilia/mass murders
    Jennings, Peter
    Jews anti-Semitism and
    Joffe, Joseph
    John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
    Jones, Paula

    Journal of the American Medical Association
    on advertisements/violence
    on breast implants
    on guns
    Journal of the National Cancer Institute
    on abortion/breast
    on breast implants
    Joyce, James
    Judd, Jackie on juvenile crime
    Justice Department, statistics from
    Juvenile crime/delinquency
    increase in

    Kaiser Permanente, study by
    Kaufman, Jonathan
    Kerry, John
    book publishers and
    child molesters and
    fears about
    products to prevent
    publicity aboutSee also Missing children
    Kilzer, Louis on missing children
    Kimball, Roger on PC,
    King, Larry
    King, Martin Luther
    Kingery, John abandonment of
    Klaas, Marc
    Klaas, Polly
    Klein, Joe on illegitimacy
    Knox, Richard on abortion/cancer risk
    Kolata, Gina(n57) on airline accidents
    FAIR and
    on GWS
    on implant-milking attorneys
    Konner, Melvin
    Koontz, Miki media attention for
    Koppel, Ted
    Pena and
    Kraft, Randy
    Krajicek, David on unidentified black males
    Kramer, Sharon
    Kroll-Smith, Steve
    on MCS
    Kubeck, Candi death of

    Ladd, Anthony criticism by
    Laden, Osama bin
    Lake, Ricki on teen pregnancy
    Laminack, Rick breast implant suits by
    Lancet, The
    Landers, Ann
    Larson, Erik on workplace violence
    L.A. Weekly, on Shakur death
    Lawyers, breast implant scare and
    Legal drugs, abuse of
    Leigh, Jennifer Jason
    Leo, John
    on battered husbands
    on Chico State/PC
    Levy, Steven on Werner murder
    LifeFax, child-registration/recovery service by
    Limbaugh, Rush on PC,
    Liz Claiborne, Incorporated study
    Locke, Hubert on black anti-Semitism
    Lopez, Awilda
    media coverage of
    sadism of
    Los Angeles Times
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