The Culture of Fear

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Author: Barry Glassner
    New Republic, The
    Newsmagazines on commuter air travel
    News organizations media content and

    on aviation safety
    on budget carriers
    on crack babies
    on Dunblane massacre
    on gun control laws
    on Halloween crimes
    on Hamilton
    on homophobia/pedophilia
    on illegitimacy
    on Klaas murder
    on rap lyrics
    on road rage
    on school shootings
    on Smith
    on TWA Flight 800 crash
    on Werner murder
    on youth crime
    on vaccine dangers
    New York Daily News
    on black/white shootings
    on Bryant
    on drug wars
    on Izquierdo
    on unidentified black males
    New York magazine, on crack epidemic
    New York Observer
    on TWA Flight 800 crash
    New York Post
    analysis of
    on black/white shootings
    on Internet/pedophiles
    on Izquierdo
    on Lopez
    on TWA Flight 800 crash
    New York Times
    on aviation safety
    on AMBER Alert system
    on black anti-Semitism
    on black/white shootings
    on Bryant
    on crack babies
    on downsizing
    on drug abuse
    on elder abandonment
    on fatherlessness
    on GWS
    on Halloween crimes
    on Homeland Security warnings
    on implant-milking attorneys
    on Internet dangers
    on juvenile crime
    on Kubeck
    on Lopez
    on monster moms
    on Muhammad
    on 9/11 attacks
    on pornography/pedophilia
    prints terror scenarios
    on rap lyrics
    on Shakur
    on teen gambling
    on teen suicide
    on teen violence
    on television murders
    on youth violence
    Nicolson, Garth on GWS
    Nieman Reports, on workplace health/safety issues
    on breast implants
    on Valujet crash
    Nixon, Richard drug abuse and
    Northeastern University
    Novak, Thomas on cyberporn
    Nursing homes, problems with
    NVIC. See National Vaccine Information Center

    Obama, Barack
    decision to run for president
    Obama, Michelle
    Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA)
    criticism of
    news stories about
    Occupational injuries
    media coverage of
    rate of
    O’Day, Dawn
    O’Day, Misty
    O’Driscoll, Patrick
    on road rage

    Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention OJJDP)
    O’Hayer, Dennis on road rage/guns
    Ohio State University
    Oklahoma City bombing
    Olin Foundation
    O’Neill, Barry
    On the Safe Side
    Oppositional defiant disorder
    Oprah Winfrey Show
    on metaphoric illnesses
    on road rage
    O’Quinn, John breast implant suits by
    OSHA. See Occupational Health and Safety Administration
    Osiris, myth of
    Overblown (Mueller)

    Pager, Devah
    heydays for. See also Fear mongering
    Patriot Act
    “Papa’z Song” (Shakur)
    Parks, Rosa attack on
    PC. See Political correctness
    clergy and
    in cyberspace
    e-mail from
    fear mongering about
    homosexuality and
    molestation and
    murders by
    studies of
    Pena, Federico on Valujet crash
    Pennington, Chris
    Koontz and
    People magazine
    on gun control laws
    on Hamilton/pedophilia
    on Riggs murder
    on road rage
    on teen motherhood
    teen sex survey
    Pereles, Jon on Shakur
    Pergament, Moshe on teen gambling
    Perot, Ross
    Pharmaceutical industry
    advertising by
    politics and
    scientific research and
    Philadelphia Daily News, on road rage
    Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, on Koontz
    Plato, on children/allegory
    Pliny the Elder
    Poe, Edgar Allan
    Political correctness (PC)
    conservatives and
    fear of
    mass media and
    power of
    Pollitt, Katha
    Pornographer’s Handbook: How to Exploit Women, Dupe Men &MakeLots of
    Money, The
    Pornography. See Child pornography
    Povich, Maury
    Powell, Colin
    errors in
    sexism and
    Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses
    Price, Craig murders by
    “Primetime,” on aviation safety
    Project Exile, Richmond, Virginia
    Product liability cases
    breast implant
    black men and
    coverage of
    Psychiatric hospitals, adolescent admissions to
    Psychology Today, on Young
    Psychotropic drugs
    Public Broadcasting Corporation, Bennett on
    Pygmalion Effect

    Qaeda, al
    Quayle, Dan
    on Shakur
    teen motherhood and
    Quillian, Lincoln
    Quindlen, Anna
    Quintana, Adella pregnancy of
    Quintana, Francesca

    fear mongering
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