The Confession
and have two days of sun and
    “I have a better idea. I
want to spend the weekend in bed making love and eating junk food.
It feels like forever since I made love to you Lydia. I am
sorry. I have been so distracted the last few months.”
    “It’s not your fault honey. The
children and I understand that sometimes your patients are your
priority. Bobby was so excited you were able to attend some of his
games this season.”
    “Has he talked to you about
college applications? I don’t want him so wrapped up in football
that he brushes off college.” At seventeen, Robert Brady was well
over six feet tall and weighed close to two hundred
pounds of lean muscle. Football was his passion; however, Adam
wanted his son to concentrate on his studies.
    Lydia had a surprise for her husband.
“Bobby wanted to keep this a secret. A scout from Temple approached
him after his last game. If he continues his level of play through
his senior year, they want to offer him a full
    “I’m not happy about him playing college football. He has already had a few
injuries this season. Is he considering a professional career
playing football?” It upset Adam that his son did not speak to him
about this. Once again, absentee father syndrome reared its
ugly head.
    “I don’t know. Maybe you should speak
to him.”
    Nodding, Adam said, “Damn
right I’ll talk to him!”
    Later that evening, Adam knocked on his
son’s bedroom door. “Bobby, are you awake?”
    “Yeah Dad, come in.”
    I hate football, Adam
thought as he sat next to his son. “I know I haven’t been around
much lately, and I wanted to catch up on what has been happening
with you these last few months. Your mom spoke to me about Temple.
Do you really wish to play college
    Should he tell his father
the truth? “Well,” he paused for a few seconds, “Yeah, I eventually
want to play professional football. My coaches tell me I have what
it takes to go professional. I need the scholarship from Temple
Dad. I know this is not what you want for me, but it is what I
want. I can still obtain my degree, and when I graduate, if I’m not good enough to play professional ball, I’ll have my
    “Have you given any thought to what
would be your major?”
    “Yes. I have always loved
building things so my major will be Architecture. Do you remember
when you bought me that enormous box of Lego’s? I had a blast
building a replica of the Golden Gate Bridge, and the White
    Smiling, Adam hugged his
son. “That makes me happy. Education is essential Bobby. You
have a short career span playing professional football. I would
prefer you focus on your studies .”
    “I know
you hate my playing football. College tuition is too expensive, and
you are already paying for Gail’s tuition. I don’t want to burden you financially, and if I
can get a full scholarship for four years, that would save you a
considerable amount of money. I will make you a deal. If I make the
grade and get the scholarship, I will not live on campus. You will
see me often enough to know I am ok. Do we have a deal?”
    Damn it, he is playing
me. “I’ll agree on two conditions. You must
maintain your GPA, and take care of your body. You have a long life
ahead of you, and your physical health is important.”
    Bobby reached out to shake
his father’s hand. “I accept your conditions. Just know that I am a
damn good ballplayer , and when I turn pro, I can
take care of you and mom in your old age.”
    Laughing, Adam said, “I’ll
remember that when I’m sixty.” He was still smiling when he left
his son’s room.

    The sound of Lydia singing off key in
the shower assaulted his senses when he closed their bedroom door.
He loved his wife; however, her singing sent stray cats running for
their lives. He quietly walked into the bathroom and divested
himself of every piece of clothing. Most nights he found his wife
asleep upon his arriving home, and it was
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