Genesis Girl
    We are standing at the door to the jail cells. The room is gray and stale.
    I look at Stanley full in the face. “Stanley Francis, you have a hard road. In so many ways, it’s difficult being you. But I know that you can do it . You have everything you need to achieve happiness.” I bring my cuff to my heart, and the moment is complete.
    “Thank you.” I think there might be a tear in Stanley’s eye, but I pretend not to notice. “Let’s get you on your way,” he says.
    “If you don’t mind, I’d like a few minutes to talk to the Virus first, while he’s still locked up.”
    “Of course, Ms. Vestal. I’ll be a few feet away. If you need anything, let me know.”

    I walk through a river of catcalls. Every last dirtbag I pass hoots and hollers. Cal was upset that his only son was surrounded by criminals, but I’m going to make things right. My very presence will make these prisoners suffer. I let my scarf fall down and show some skin.
    “Hey, baby! No need to wear white after I’m done with you.”
    “Bring some of your blessings my way, sugar!”
    “You only thought you knew what private meant!”
    The only inmate not saying anything, not noticing me, is Seth. When I stand right in front of his cell, he still lies slumped on the ground.
    I crouch down, wrapping my arms around my knees, but not letting my butt hit the floor. “Veritas Rex?”
    “Who’s asking,” he mumbles. But when Seth finally sees me, he scrambles to sit up straight. “Holy shit, it’s you!”
    “Yes. And you’re the Virus who took my picture.”
    Neither of us says anything further. I search Seth’s face for some sign of his father, but all I see is his mother. Brown-black hair bolts straight up and matches the dark eyes from Sophia’s portrait. Seth’s muscular forearms stretch the confines of his orange jumpsuit. I struggle not to inspect his tattoos. When Seth slowly starts to smile, the way his mouth turns up at the corners reminds me of Cal. But then his smile turns acrid, and any familiarity is gone.
    “What are you doing here, Vestal? Have you come to gloat?”
    “Not at all. I’m here to release you.”
    “Yeah, right.”
    “No, really,” I say. “That’s what I’m here for.”
    “Then why am I still locked up?”
    “Because I wanted to talk to you first.”
    Seth clenches his fists and gives me a once-over. “Hey, are you still a Vestal? Did that picture get you kicked out?”
    I hold up my wrist so he can see my platinum cuff.
    “Top pick, huh? I guess you’re here to thank me then.” Seth smiles wickedly. There’s a spark in his eye that’s incendiary, like I could be his fuse.
    “It turns out that your picture was the best thing that ever happened to me,” I say.
    “Yeah? Which company have you sold your soul to?”
    I take a deep breath. If Seth ruffles me, then it’s all over.
    “Vestals don’t sell their souls.” I try not to sound annoyed. Instead, I launch a different tactic. “Vestals don’t always get harvested by companies.”
    That catches his interest.
    “You mean you went Geisha?”
    I nod and look away, my cheeks burning. I know what people whisper about Geishas, but it doesn’t matter.
    Now I’ve got his attention. Now the fun can really start.
    “It’s better than I could ever imagine. He’s so sweet to me, and kind and thoughtful. I never thought I could be this happy.”
    “Some old guy buys you and you’re happy?”
    I grip the bars, and my face is as close to Seth’s as possible. He leans in too, and our noses almost touch.
    “Does age matter when you feel like you’ve known someone your whole life? He makes me feel seen and heard. That’s the most important thing.”
    “Only a Vestal would say shit like that.” But Seth doesn’t pull away. He puts his fingers on the bars right below mine, so that we’re closer than ever. I feel his eyes linger on me, on my eyes, and then my mouth.
    “I’m here to release you, Rex. It only
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