The Confession
and find someone
else to love. I never felt comfortable having him hang around you
when I was working.”
    “When did this happen?”
    “Right after we came back
from our honeymoon. I went over to my parent’s house because we
brought back a few gifts for them from Jamaica. John was sitting at the kitchen table
nursing a hangover and being a dick as usual. I swear Lydia, the
look on his face was so ugly. He hated me
and let me know it at every opportunity. I told him that if he
couldn’t be civil to us, then I wanted him to stay away
from you.”
    Lydia remembered more than a few
conversations with John. “I told John many times I could not return
his feelings for me. He knew I loved you, and nothing would change
my love for you. I thought he had accepted this long before our
    “I thought so too. Do you
know what he said to me? He told me that I don’t deserve you and once you realized you made a mistake marrying me, you
would go back to him.” Adam gritted his teeth at the
    Shocked and saddened, Lydia held onto
him tightly. “I don’t understand why he hated you so
    “Neither do I honey, but I
will admit I was glad when he left home. I was reaching the end of
my rope with his attitude. I find it strange there are no
pictures of him anywhere in my parent’s house. It feels like he was
disowned or something. I always wondered what happened to
    “Well, now we know what
happened to him. I still cannot believe it. It felt weird standing
outside the church. I cannot picture John as a priest. He was so
arrogant and hotheaded. Do you think we should visit him? Mom said
he has not spoken to her since that first
    “No. If he wants to reconnect with his
family, he needs to make the first move.”

Chapter 4
    “Ok kids, listen to granny and gramps.
Mom and I will be at the shore house until Sunday afternoon. We
will be home before you are asleep.”
    Turning to face his mother,
Adam kissed her cheek. “Thanks Mom for sitting with the kids
this weekend. Lydia and I desperately needed a weekend to
    Margaret patted his cheek. “You look
tired sweetie. Have fun and do not worry about anything. Daddy and
I will take care of the kids. We already have an itinerary of
events planned for the weekend. Tomorrow, Dad is taking Bobby to
the Aquarium, and I am taking Gail to the Zoo. We will meet for
lunch and then see a movie. Sunday, we are having a cookout with
some of their friends. Don’t worry, we’ll have fun.”
    “Thanks, Mom. I love the two of
    “That’s nice to hear sweetheart, we
love you too. Now, get out of here before you hit rush hour
    Like two little kids going
on an adventure, Adam and Lydia ran out of the house laughing and
holding hands. “I feel guilty,” Lydia said as they hit the Atlantic
City Expressway . “I already miss the kids. I
don’t t know what I will do when Gail goes to college. If you think
I was emotional at the graduation, wait until the end of August. I
might need Valium to keep me calm. Gail hates it when I cry. Did
you see the eye roll at the graduation party?”
    “She told me more than once
that while she desperately loves both her parents, it’s time to cut
the umbilical cord. I have to agree with her honey. Gail is
mature beyond her eighteen years. Although, I will admit I felt a
tear or two as I watched her accept her diploma. I will feel the impact of her leaving when I see her car driving away from
the house. She will always be our little girl.”
    Closing her eyes, Lydia
fought the urge to cry. She sniffled a few times and Adam quickly
glanced over to look at her. “Don’t cry honey. We are good parents, and it is time to let our little birds fly free and
experience life. Come on now, cheer up, and enjoy the weekend.
Mommy and Daddy are finally alone for forty-eight hours. Let’s
enjoy it.”
    They drove in blissful
silence all the way to Cape May. Upon arriving, they sat in the car
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