The Barrier Between (Collector Series # 2)
caught in my throat. “It’s your way to control. Of
taking back the times you couldn’t protect yourself. You still
don’t think I know you? I can go on.” He threw up his arms. “Let’s
start with your abandonment issu—”
    “Stop!” I put my hands over my ears, fighting back
the rage billowing inside. Ryker saw every one of my deepest fears
I thought I kept tightly tucked away from view.
    It pissed me off.
    I dropped my arms, stepping up closer to him. “Like
you should talk? You hate humans because the only family you ever
loved, and who probably ever loved you, died. And you couldn’t save
them. Instead of ‘dealing with it’ you turned your anger around on
them. Blamed them! When in actuality you hate yourself for not
being able to protect them. Your family, your little sister burned
to death in a fire, and you couldn’t help them. They died .
Why don’t you deal with it?” I leaned forward, my hands on
my hips.
    His mouth clenched so hard, muscles along his jaw
jumped and twitched.
    “Do you want me to start on your abandonment
issues? What about Amara?” I jabbed my fingers into his chest. It
rose and fell deeply, pushing back into my fingers. I knew I was
going too far, but I couldn’t seem to stop myself. “If you really loved someone, there is nothing you wouldn’t do to
get them back. Nothing . Even give up the stone. But I don’t
think you actually love her. She’s easy and convenient. You can’t
love anyone. You won’t let yourself.”
    Even I cringed at my words. Way, way too far.
    Ryker’s face turned a deep purple, and he took a step
back. I waited for the tornado of fury to erupt my way. Instead, he
turned away from me and went back to the table. He leaned over it
and took in a heavy gulp of air.
    “So, we’re agreed. We start searching for the shaman
tomorrow?” he said evenly.
    I blinked several times before responding. The switch
in emotion and subject unnerved me. “Yes.”
    “Great.” He picked up the chair and slammed it in its
place at the table, waking Sprig.
    “Is the leprechaun dancing on the bar again?” Sprig
mumbled, raising his head. “Huh? What?”
    Ryker stomped toward the door.
    “Where are you going?” I suddenly didn’t want him to
go. How could we fight so horribly, and I still wanted him to stay
next to me?
    “Okay. Where?”
    He yanked open the door. “I don’t have to answer to
you, human .” He slammed the door, shaking the room.
    “Is Daddy mad again?” Sprig sat up, already munching
on a cold churro.
    I stared at the door. “Looks like it.”
    “Do we know why this time?”
    Yes. “Nope,” I answered instead.
    “Okay, so normal.”


    After a while, I couldn’t handle sitting another
moment in a room dripping with angry words, throttling me. Sprig
and I departed the cramped space. I needed to get my mind off Ryker
and our fight. I also wanted to do a little more “shopping” for
some clothes and personal items guys didn’t think about.
    Walking through the village at a slower pace,
tourists seeped into the already clogged streets of people and
stands. Lines of cramped stalls carried duplicates of heavy llama
wool blankets and trinkets at exorbitant prices. I read that
despite its magnificent setting, surrounded by tall peaks and
magical dense forest, Aguas Calientes was not the most pleasant
town. The influx of tourism caused the settlement to grow fast and
callous. Maybe it was why I was attracted to it, why I felt a
connection to the place. It was a lot like me. But the thing I
didn’t like was the locals looked at the tourists only as dollar
signs, shoving knickknacks in their faces as they walked by.
    A train whistle blew, and the rumble of a departing
train permeated the air, signaling the last train to Machu Picchu
for the day. I wandered along the main square, finding a tiny store
with the items I needed. There were few places to shop not filled
with tourist crap. I focused hard
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