The Barrier Between (Collector Series # 2)
as I gathered the items I needed
and watched the storekeeper place them in a bag.
    “You know me well, so put it on my tab, under Ms.
Daniels,” I stated, keeping my eyes locked on his. The merchant put
my stuff in the bag and waved to me as I left. Another place on our
list to repay. We needed to get money. In Seattle, not paying for
things had been a matter of survival. Here it felt wrong.
    Sprig stayed on my shoulder and no one batted an eye.
I didn’t want to use my glamour unless I had to. Then Sprig forced
my hand into the “had to” category.
    “Mango chips!” Sprig pointed, bouncing up and down on
my arm. “They’re dipped in honey. Look!”
    “Shhh!” I held my finger over my lips.
    “ Bhean , they are dipped. In. Honey.”
    A guy about my age stood near with a group of
students. “Dude... her monkey talked . I swear to God.”
    “Sure, Brandon.” A blond-haired guy smacked his
friend’s shoulder. “How many tequila shots did you have?” He
stumbled into a group of girls, his attention going to them.
    “No, seriously.” Brandon pointed at me. “Your monkey
fucking talked. I heard it.” Fear was laced so deep in Brandon’s
eyes I could see him sobering up right in front of me.
    Pulling from deep down and striking at the power
inside me, I felt it warm my insides. I caught his eyes and focused
hard. You did not see or hear anything. You will not remember me
or the monkey, I said in my head, filled with determination.
The magic wrapped around my bones, pumping adrenaline higher. It
felt good.
    The kid blinked, shook his head, and ran past me,
catching up with his friend, who had attached himself to the girls.
“Thanks for ditching me,” Brandon called after him.
    “You’re the drunk ass claiming to hear talking
monkeys.” The blond-haired guy draped his arm around his buddy’s
    “What the hell are you talking about?” Brandon’s
voice tapered off as the crowd engulfed them.
    My gaze darted angrily to Sprig.
    “Sorry,” he whispered in my ear.
    “Do not do it again.”
    “Okay, but can we still get the mangos?
Pleeeeaassseee?” His soft voice tickled my ear.
    I laughed, rubbing my temples. “Yeah.”

    When we got back, Ryker was still gone. The sun
dipped below the steep mountains, illuminating the window in rich
reds, deep purples, and vibrant oranges, which exploded across the
    I placed Sprig’s sleeping form in the top chest
drawer on a hand towel for cushion. I plucked Pam, Sprig’s stuffed
goat/friend, from my bag and laid her next to him. He’d wake up
later for dinner, then dessert, then a late snack before actually
going down for the night. Seriously, I was caring for an infant...
or a hobbit. Could be either.
    With a mango chip between my lips, I settled on the
bed with Daniel’s Art of War book and the video camera. It
was going to be difficult to watch again, but I needed to know
every single detail Daniel laid out for me. It would help me with
the DMG since they now possessed the actual files. But, honestly, I
was watching it for me. To see Daniel again, to feel the comfort he
always provided me. I also wanted to see if he left me any more
clues in the book. Starting off easy, I opened it. I needed to
build up before seeing Daniel. Scouring each page, I searched for
any code I hadn’t seen before, but nothing new emerged on the
pages. On my third time through, I realized I was avoiding watching
the video.
    “Come on, Zoey. It’s not going to get any easier,” I
muttered, drawing my knees to my chest and grabbing the video
camera. My finger hovered over the play button about to push
    A loud crack hit the door, causing me to jump. The
fear was immediate and tapped straight into my adrenaline. Did
DMG find us? Did Garrett?
    Another crash banged at the door. I leaped off the
bed, my gaze searching for a knife or weapon. Dammit. Ryker had
them all. Trained to work in unforeseen conditions, I assessed
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