attention. She'd missed a few of the cards just because she was watching him study his own. Add that onto the fact that she was bushed from no sleep and worrying and she wasn't in a good place. She missed her next hand losing her first of the day with a curse. "Could you turn down some of that heat cowboy? Some of us are trying to concentrate."
Caleb scoffed and paid her no attention. They went through another four hands before the others were completely out of it, leaving him and her to shoot it out. Their table was the last to finish, and players were all gathered around them, watching intently. Some to see who was left in, others to see who their opponent would be in round three.
“I’ll sta y,” Caleb said and watched the dealer.
Shit. Her cards weren’t the best, double eights, it gave her sixteen. What was worse was she had no clue what was coming. Damn Djinn and his sexy come hither vibe. "Double down." she said flipping them over splitting the last of her chips between the two. It was her best shot doubling her chances as the dealer assigned cards to each.
The dealer hit her twice and then called. Caleb threw a perfect 21 and gave her a smug look.
“Mr. Marshapoltes wins the hand.” The dealer commented. “But while he wins the table, Ms. Loganazzi, your points allow you to advance to the final round. We will see you both in two days time.”
The dealer handed them both a black envelope affixed with the silver seal of the hotel.
“Well that settles that. Shall we pet?” he said as he stood and tucked his envelope into his suit jacket.
"The bar? Shame you didn't forfeit this morning but there’s still fun to be had today until tomorrow. I'm thinking strip club, you game?"
“I’m thinking I won out little bet Shade.”
"Nuh uh." she retorted in what admittedly was not her most eloquent of answers.
He picked up his marker and pocketed it. “Uh huh. The bet is I would beat you, I did. No specifics on when or what round.” He gave her a triumphant smile. “So if you please, you have a date with a paddle.”
"I do not , please... no I..." she shook her head as she thought things through. "Son of a bitch." He was right, their bet was for whoever won and he'd beaten her fair and square.
“Oh come on now don’t get pouty, you wanted a tour of the boat as it is…” he said with a jovial tone.
"I..." She swallowed hard, speechless, and not for the first time. For some reason, around him she just couldn’t find her words. "I do but it's… it’s not..." She stepped into him, kissing him hard and fierce, taking his face in both hands.
The crowd around the m whooped and shouted and Caleb laughed. “Now now…” he said and winked to the guy behind them. “We have plenty of time for that pet.”
She waited for the distraction to run the feel of his lips still burning on hers. She ran. She couldn’t help it. It was one of the things about her, she ran from anything that threatened to tie her down whether that was two weeks of amazing sex or a lifelong marriage betrothal. She was flighty by nature and beating her on one table was so not what she had in mind when they’d made their wager. Besides, she couldn’t give herself over to him. Not now. Caleb, as hot and Djinn like he was, had no chance catching up to a shadow demon in full flight. There was a reason their crown prince had never been found after he decided AWOL was the best option. Once the Shadows decided to keep you hidden there was no finding you.
She ghosted through the wall , finding Shadows to take her in, transporting her from one part of the hotel to another. A quick scout about in the foyer and it was all clear. She took the opportunity to run, turning to smack straight into a wall. At least it felt like a wall. Looking up, she soon wished it had been. Two Demon stood in front of her. The wall turned out to be a mountain of a shadow Demon named Darrek. The weasely man beside him was called Ferret, at least that was what