would you be as my sub carrying
one?” Adam countered. “Leave it here. Here is where the
danger exists, is it not?”
Gritting his teeth, Chad went where Adam directed.
The interior of the house was as elegant as the exterior, full
of dark woods and what seemed to Chad to be expensive
antiques. The room he’d been given was bigger than his
whole apartment. A tall four-post bed sat in the middle of the
room, draped with dark brown covers. He didn’t even want to
set his bag down on the gleaming wood floors for fear he’d
scratch or stain them somehow.
Seeing what was laid out for him, he had to admit, the
Taken in Hand
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clothes looked much better than what he had on. They
should have for as much as he guessed the suit, shirt,
shoes, and even socks must have cost. Definitely higher
quality than Chad was used to. They fit him, too, and he was
right. No way would the shoulder holster he’d switched to
have been invisible under the jacket. Adam had a good eye,
making Chad wonder how many men he measured by sight
alone to buy clothes for. The black suit was slim cut and fit
him like a glove. The shirt was charcoal, and the black,
textured tie was silk. The shoes were expensive Italian
loafers Chad was pretty sure cost more than his monthly
salary. They must have belonged to the professor, because
they were a little scuffed on the bottom. He kind of liked the
idea of wearing shoes that belonged to Adam, and what the
hell was wrong with him for even thinking like that?
“Satisfied?” he asked, rejoining Adam where he waited
in the living room.
“More so than before.” He straightened Chad’s tie and
tugged at the coat. “You’ll do for off the rack. He looked down
at his feet. Good. The shoes fit you. My young nephew left
them here when he last visited. I thought they might do for
“Your nephew? How old is he?”
The professor smirked a little. “Fifteen. He’s about
your size.”
Chad glared at him, but he was already turning away.
“Come on. I’ll drive.” He led the way out the door, locking it
behind him. “Remember when we get to the church, walk
just at my heel. Did you read the books I instructed you to
“Part of one.” He felt like an idiot trailing along behind
him like a well-trained puppy. “I don’t have a lot of free time
for reading.”
“Chin up, eyes lowered. Watch where I walk.”
Chad quickly dropped his eyes to Adam’s feet. “Yeah,
okay.” Watching his feet really did help him to stay close by
his side, but just a step behind.
Adam’s next comment really raised Chad’s hackles.
Adam’s head tipped to the side as he opened the passenger
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side door for Chad. “It’s not as important outside the club, of
course, but it will be good practice for you. I’ve told my
friends you’re in training, so if you mess up, it’s not too big a
“I’m not some damned dog.”
“No, but you do need training. If anyone had overheard
that comment, they would know immediately this is all an
act. Watch your mouth. Bratty behavior is something I don’t
stand for, and my friends know it.”
“How about you stop deliberately baiting me so the
killer comes after us instead of some other innocent
“How about you let go of your macho posturing long
enough to be a believable sub?” Adam countered. “Prove to
me you can do it, before either of us get in a position where
it could make a difference. Most things I can pull you out of,
but if you don’t follow my direction you could get yourself
into a situation at the club I wouldn’t be able to help you
with. Some of the Doms there are what you’d call hardcore. If
you’re going to do this, then for God’s sake take it seriously.
It’s not a game.”
Chad glared at him a second before what he said
processed. Adam was right. He dropped his eyes and even
slumped his shoulders a bit. “I’m sorry. Uh,