Taken in Hand

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Book: Taken in Hand Read Online Free PDF
Author: Barbara Westbrook
Master. I won’t
    forget again.”
    “Oh good Lord, stand up straight and call me Sir.
    You’re not a slave, just a sub, and I’m your Dom. Now that
    didn’t hurt a bit, did it?” Adam asked with a slight smile.
    “Let’s try to relax for the drive.”
    Letting go of his attitude actually hadn’t hurt. Though
    he felt his pride should suffer to a degree, in a strange way,
    he didn’t feel humiliated. Adam wore his dominance and
    authority like a cloak, and it seemed natural to give him the
    respect of the honorific. Chad slipped into the passenger seat
    and truly did relax. From this point on, it was up to Adam.
    He was just along for the ride, and all he had to do was keep
    his ears and eyes open when they got there. In a way, it took
    a lot of pressure off.

    Taken in Hand
    Page 28

    * * * *

    The funeral proceedings were predictably solemn and
    sad. Two caskets sat in the front of the chapel, draped with
    flowers. The pews were full with many of the mourners in
    tears, both men and women. The pastor of some crazy
    church Chad had never heard of before gave a sermon on the
    grace of a loving God who accepted all men into his heart,
    sinners and saints. Chad wasn’t too sure which the preacher
    applied to the deceased, but his words seemed to comfort the
    members of the families in the front pews.
    “Who is he?” Chad whispered.
    Adam leaned close. “Not now. I’ll answer all your
    questions when we’re in private again.”
    Chad wanted to whip back a sarcastic, “Yes, Sir,” but
    held his tongue. His job there wasn’t to catalog who was in
    attendance. The others from the department who were
    present would do that, comparing them to those who
    attended the other funeral, but he was curious. He reminded
    himself his job was to convince anyone who watched that he
    was Adam’s submissive, maybe even especially Adam.
    After the services, the families loaded into limousines
    for the trip to the cemetery. Waiting for them to leave, Chad
    tuned into a conversation between the pastor and some
    “I am so sorry. I know what a burden he is to you,” she
    told him, her voice dripping in consolation.
    “It is his home as much as mine,” the pastor
    answered. “He is such a lost soul. I only wish I could help
    “How long will he stay?”
    “I’ve no idea. He comes and goes as he pleases, though
    I admit to hoping it won’t be a long visit.”
    “It must be so hard for you.”
    “He is my brother. I would never turn him out, and I
    do always have hope that someday I may reach him.”
    Adam took his arm, tugging him away. “It’s time to
    “What’s that pastor’s name?”
    Taken in Hand
    Page 29

    “Jason Rubin.”
    They got in the car, and Adam waited for Chad to put
    on his seat belt. A Dom handled his sub with care and
    protection, Chad reminded himself. He rolled his eyes as
    Adam slipped in behind the wheel. “What kind of church is
    this anyway?”
    “A non-denominational church sympathetic to
    alternative lifestyles. Why?”
    “Do you know anything about the pastor’s brother?”
    “Jeremy? No, not much. From what I gather, he’s a
    n’eer-do-well who goes off chasing one scheme after another
    and returns when he’s failed and broke. I’ve only met him
    briefly once. How did you know about him?”
    “Overheard a conversation. How does the guy feel
    about gays?”
    “No idea.” Adam glanced at Chad quickly as he drove.
    “As I said, I only met him once, briefly, but his manner
    wasn’t pleasant. You don’t think—”
    Chad waved the rest of his question away. “I don’t
    think anything more at this point than he might be a person
    of interest. Who was the woman talking to the pastor?”
    “Millie Grant. She’s single, and the pastor’s single. She
    never gives up trying.”
    “He’s not interested?”
    “He’s taken a vow of celibacy even though the church
    doesn’t require it of their pastors.” His lips twisted into a
    grim smile. “He says
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