Follow You Down

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Book: Follow You Down Read Online Free PDF
Author: Hot Tree Editing
at work?” I’m sitting in front of my laptop, switching between sipping coffee and chugging Diet Coke. It’s what I like to call the breakfast of champions. My mother is drinking her coffee, black, and looking at me through the screen. She gives me the evil eye when she sees me place my coffee on the table and grab the Diet Coke.
    “It was… interesting.”
    “Interesting? What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
    “Well, two of the waitresses are really nice, I’m a terrible bartender, and I got asked out on a date.” I say everything in a rush as one run-on sentence, hoping she will miss the part I said about having a date.
    By the way her mouth pops open and her eyebrows shoot up; I know she didn’t miss it.
    “A date? Did you say yes? Is he good looking? What’s his name? Should I have your father do a background check?”
    I roll my eyes and shake my head. “Yes a date. Yes, I said yes. His name is Lucas, and you don’t need to run a background check on him.”
    She smiles a half-smile at me over her coffee mug. “You didn’t say if he was good looking or not.”
    I was hoping she wouldn’t catch that part. “He’s fucking gorgeous, Mom. And kind of an asshole. I am so doomed.”
    She laughs at me. “No you aren’t, Dani. You’ll be fine. You’re young! You’re supposed to be going out on dates with hot guys, even if they are assholes.”
    “I thought you would be mad at me because of everything that happened with Reggie.” Reggie Donald, my married ex-boyfriend and the reason I moved to Monroe in the first place.
    “Honey, all of the drama Reggie brought into your life wasn’t your fault. Some of it you brought on yourself, but most of it, he piled on you. You were young and naïve and I would like to think you have learned from your mistakes. In fact, I know you have.”
    “What makes you say that?”
    “You told me about this Lucas boy. You didn’t tell me about Reggie for months because you knew that I wouldn’t approve. You knew what you were doing was wrong, so you hid it. You aren’t trying to hide anything now, so I know you’re learning.”
    My mother, always having faith in me even when realistically she shouldn’t. Have I learned my lesson? Who fucking knows? Part of me agrees with her. My relationship with Reggie changed me in many ways. When I met him, I was still the kind of girl who believed in fairy tales. Now, I know better. I’m not a fucking Disney princess. Prince Charming isn’t some fair-haired hero. He’s a jackass who feeds you bullshit just to get in your pants and breaks your heart without a second thought. Prince Charming is a fucker.
    “Dani, you need to forgive yourself, baby. Shit happened. You made some not so great decisions, but everyone does. Let it go, baby.”
    I smile halfheartedly at my mom. I know she’s right, but there is a part of me that will never forgive myself. I caused someone serious heartache without a second thought. In my book, that makes me a cold-hearted bitch.
    “Let’s talk about something else, Mom.” She nods and begins to tell me all about her new yoga class. My mother is a workout enthusiast. She has been on more diets than I can count, and she really doesn’t need to be. She has a naturally small frame, but she continually works out and watches what she eats to maintain it.
    We talk for a few more minutes about nothing special. This is the part of my relationship with my mom that I love; we can talk about anything. She’s my best friend, which is completely cheesy, but totally true. I finally tell her I’m going to try to get some more unpacking done before I have work tonight, tell her bye, and close my laptop.
    I spend the next few hours unpacking boxes throughout the house. My dishes are finally all in cabinets; my clothes are hung in my closet or placed in drawers, and pictures and books sit on my shelves.
    I pass by the spare bedroom and open the door, pausing for a second before I walk in. When I started
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