Sophie Stern is an erotic novelist whose work includes Falling for the Billionaire Werewolf Dinosaur and My Bottom Billionaire . She lives in the Midwest with her husband, who loves trying out new, dirty things so she can write about them.
Billionaire on Top
Will Trevor be jaded forever?
Or will he become the kind of man someone could fall in love with?
Find out in Billionaire on Top : a full-length novel now available for pre-order on Amazon.
Billionaire on Top: Chapter One
I'm staring at the building in front of me, a piece of paper in my hands, and I'm shaking.
Kayfox Industries is one of the largest marketing firms in the company and I've landed a job as the personal assistant to Trevor Fox, who runs this particular division.
Oh, and his father is the one who owns the company. No big deal.
I don't know why he chose me out of all the applicants. I don't even really believe that they actually chose me. Part of me worries that when I get inside, they'll tell me it was some sort of mistake and I'll have to leave.
But I'm gripping the email that confirms I got the job. It has my name on it along with my start date and the address for this office. I may not be much to look at in my cheap shoes and plain Jane outfit, but I'm going to prove myself today and every day. I'm going to make sure that Trevor doesn't regret the chance he took on me today.
I take one last deep breath, tell myself I can do this, and walk up the stairs to the building.
A doorman greets me politely and lets me inside. There's a security desk in the center of the room by the elevators. I walk toward it, not sure what to do now. Do I tell him my name? Do I explain where I'm going? Do I ask permission to use the elevators?
"Good morning," the security guard greets me politely. He raises an eyebrow, as if waiting for me to speak.
"Hi," I say. I'm gripping my email so hard that my knuckles are white. This guy must think I'm crazy. "I'm here to start work. It's my first day. I'm Trevor Fox's new assistant."
"Ah," the guard smiles. "Nice to meet you. You must be Allison. We heard you'd be coming." Now it's my turn to raise an eyebrow. This guy knew about me? Then again, it's probably his job to know everything about the people who come and go here.
"Can you tell me, um," I shift nervously from one foot to the other. "Where I go from here?"
He smiles kindly and pats me on the arm.
"Don't worry, Dear. You'll be just fine. Tenth floor." He nods toward the elevator and waits for me to slowly make my way over. I force my arm to raise up and push the button. There's a soft ding and the doors open. I look back to the guard who nods encouragingly. He smiles. He believes in me. Part of me wishes that I had that amount of confidence in myself. Deciding that I'm going to have to fake it until I make it, I step inside the doors and push the button for the tenth floor.
The ride seems to take no time at all, and within moments I'm walking across a small waiting room to a little desk. The woman who sits here seems to be barely 18. She's chewing gum loudly and texting someone. She doesn't even look up until I clear my throat several times.
"Can I help you?" She says, finally.
"Yes, I'm Mr. Fox's new assistant."
She is unimpressed.
That’s fine. I’d probably be unimpressed by me, too.
"Can you tell me where I'm supposed to go?"
She points down the hallway to her right, my left, and I start walking. Pictures of the city line the walls. I try not to stop and stare, but the shots are so candid, so vivid, so lifelike that I find myself staring at them for longer than I anticipate.
"Lose your way?" A deep voice says, suddenly. I look up and see him. It's him . Trevor Fox is standing in the doorway, in the flesh. I swallow hard as I realize that his pictures didn't do him justice. He's taller than I expected and fills out his suit in all the very best ways. I wonder how much time he
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