
Bushfire! Read Online Free PDF

Book: Bushfire! Read Online Free PDF
Author: Bindi Irwin
“I spy…a blue-tongue lizard!” cried Bindi, turning to her best friend, Rosie, and holding up her palm. “High-five, mate!”
    The girls high-fived, giggling with excitement.
    â€œThat makes the score seven to us and six to Richard. We are so going to win!” continued Bindi. The friends turned triumphantly to Rosie’s dad, Richard, who was walking up the bush track behind them.
    â€œThere’s an old saying, girls: don’t count your chickens before they hatch,” cautioned Richard. “In any case, unless you know the animal’s scientific name, it doesn’t count.” He smiled, then strode past the girls, making his way farther up the mountain.
    â€œThat’s not fair!” Bindi couldn’t believe it. She had thought she and Rosie would finally beat Richard in a game of I Spy Wildlife.
    â€œDad, you’re just trying to cheat because we’re winning,” said Rosie as she caught up to her father, with Bindi close behind.
    â€œTwo against one isn’t fair either, but you don’t see me accusing anyone of cheating.” Richard looked at his daughter with a twinkle in his eye. “Nor do I think you really saw a rare spotted eagle about an hour ago. But as we have no video referee, I’ll have to give you the benefit of the doubt.”
    Richard walked on, oblivious to the two friends exchanging glances and smiling. Was there anything Richard didn’t know about animals? Some families played the regular game of I Spy but the Irwin and Bellamy families preferred their own animal-specific version. After all, they’d had lots of practice!
    On this early morning, the three keen walkers were hiking up Mount Ngungun in the Glass House Mountains near Australia Zoo. It was one of Bindi’s favorite things to do. She loved being outside and seeing animals in the wild. Bindi also loved hanging out with Rosie and Richard. Rosie’s dad was strong and athletic and always up for anything. He especially liked to win at games and never lost on purpose to save hurt feelings. No, he was ruthless in his animal spotting and it made Bindi and Rosie all the more determined to beat him!
    Bindi raced on and soon overtook Richard. She figured that if she and Rosie reached the lookout before him, they might have more chance of spotting animals. His height definitely put him at an advantage for seeing birds.
    â€œWait for me!” called Rosie as she caught up with Bindi. The two girls puffed as they scrambled toward the lookout. “Come on, Dad!”
    â€œGood things come to those who wait!” said Richard as he continued on leisurely.
    It was already a very hot day and the last steep push to the top was hard going. Bindi could feel the sweat trickling down her arms, her legs, and the back of her neck. They couldn’t have done the hike any later on a day like this. They would risk heat exhaustion and dehydration, not to mention having zero chance of seeing any animals—they’d all have sensibly found refuge in the shade.
    The girls were out of breath and red-faced by the time they reached the lookout. They both took big swigs from their water bottles.
    â€œLook!” Bindi pointed to the other peak in the distance. “Mount Tibrogargan looks just like King Kong!” The two friends marveled at the view of the majestic mountain peak to the east. They could see the sun coming up behind it, over the Pacific Ocean.
    â€œWow, it’s really windy up here!” said Rosie, looking at the trees bending in the wind. It wasn’t a refreshing breeze either, but a warm, blustery one.
    Bindi spun around, taking in the view of the surrounding bush and mountain peaks. Something to the west caught her eye. “Oh no!”
    â€œWhat is it?” asked Rosie and turned to see where Bindi was looking.
    Bindi silently pointed into the distance.
    The stunning view was obscured by a thick haze of smoke. The friends stared at each
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