Submitting to the Alien (A BBW Paranormal Romance) (Aislin's Alien Adventures Book 3)

Submitting to the Alien (A BBW Paranormal Romance) (Aislin's Alien Adventures Book 3) Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: Submitting to the Alien (A BBW Paranormal Romance) (Aislin's Alien Adventures Book 3) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sophie Stern
continues, “is going to be much more hands-on.”
    “H-h-hands on?” My eyes dart quickly down to his cock and back to his face. The smirk on his mouth lets me know that he saw.
    “Do you want to blow me, Allison?”
    “Excuse me?”
    “My cock. Do you want to suck it?” He motions to his crotch. “You can’t seem to take your eyes away from it. If you think you’d have an easier time listening with my dick down your throat, I’d be happy to oblige.” His eyes flash dark as he watches me, waiting to see what I’m going to do.
    With that, I stand straight up. I have no problem looking him in the eye now. If he thinks I’m just some whore he can talk to like that, he’s sadly mistaken.
    “Mr. Fox, I don’t know what type of girl you’re used to having work for you, but I assure you that I am no whore, nor do I have any interest at all in sucking your dick. I came here to be your assistant and I’m going to be the best damn one you could possibly have.”
    “Good.” He stands up and meets my gaze, but he towers over me. He must be at least 6 feet tall. Maybe taller. I suddenly feel much smaller than my 5’6”. I suddenly feel like I’m very, very small. “I’m glad there isn’t going to be any drama.”
    His eyes drill into mine, waiting for me to break away, but I don’t. I know this game he’s playing, and I have no interest. I’ve worked for childish assholes before. Trevor Fox isn’t going to be the last one.
    He won’t get the best of me.
    He won’t be the death of me.
    He just might, however, be the death of my panties, which are completely soaked through.
    **Find out what happens next in Billionaire on Top .**
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