To fight the stormtroopers: Choose your weapon. Add your weaponry# to your weapon’s close-range# +1 for your confront#. There are a total of six stormtroopers. You must repeat this confront until you have defeated the sixth stormtrooper. Each time you defeat a stormtrooper , raise your confront# by +1. When you defeat all of the stormtroopers, you may proceed through the door, which has been shot open.
Roll the 12-dice to combat the first stormtrooper.
If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll# , add the difference to your MP total and proceed to combat the next stormtrooper, adding +1 to your confront#.
If your confront# is lower than your roll# , subtract the difference from your MP total and repeat this confront
To kick the door open: Your strength# +2 is your confront#. Roll the 6-dice to kick the door open.
If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll# , add the difference to your MP total and proceed to pass through the doorway.
If your confront# is lower than your roll# , subtract the difference from your MP total and repeat this confront until you have kicked the door open.
To shoot the lock off: Your weaponry# added to your weapon’s low-range# is your confront#. Roll the 6-dice to shoot the lock off.
If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll# , add the difference to your MP total and proceed to pass through the doorway.
If your confront# is lower than your roll# , subtract the difference from your MP total and repeat this confront, adding +1 to your confront# for your new confront#. Using that same confront#, repeat until you have shot the lock off.
To use Power to open the lock*: Choose your Object Movement Power. Add your strength# and Jedi# to your Power’s low-resist# for your confront#. Roll the 6-dice to open the lock.
If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll#, add the difference to your MP total and proceed.
If your confront# is lower than your roll# , subtract the difference from your MP total. Repeat this confront, subtracting 1 from your confront# for your new confront#. (Note: Your new confront# cannot be lower than 2.)
*Note: This counts as one of the two Power uses you are allowed on this Mission.
To hotwire the lock: Your skill# +2 is your confront#. Roll the 6-dice to hotwire the lock.
If your confront# is equal to or more than your roll# , add the difference to your MP total and proceed to pass through the doorway.
If your confront# is lower than your roll# , subtract the difference from your MP total and repeat this confront, subtracting 1 from your new confront#. ( Note: Your new confront# cannot be lower than 2.)
After the door is opened you may proceed inside the next chamber. It’s been quite a run for you. Add 20MP to your MP total (40MP for Advanced Level players).
You slam the door behind you and spot a metal beam on the floor. You lift the beam and brace it against the door so that no one will be able to push the door open from the other side. It wont take a stormtrooper long to blow up the door, but the brace will buy you some time. You must find another way out of the ruins!
“General Dodonna?” you speak into your comlink. But it’s no good. You can’t send a transmission from the inside of this fortress.
You take off your stormtrooper helmet and strap it to your back. You adjust your infrared goggles so you can see in the darkness. When you step forward, something snaps beneath your feet. You look down.
Bones. Bones. And more bones.
The floor of the room is littered with the crumbling remains of skeletons. Some of the skeletons are human, and some are alien. All of the skeletons are broken and scattered, covered by a thick layer of dust. It seems that a furious battle took place here countless years ago.
You pick up part of an ancient shield. What could have caused such a deadly mess?
You search the room to see if there’s another way out. There’s a vent in the floor. It might be an airshaft
There’s another door