Star Force: Quenar (SF88) (Star Force Origin Series)
    “Did they say why?”
    “They wanted a quiet conversation. Beyond that they
would not say anything, nor would they send a ship directly to you.”
    “Did they want us to come to them?”
    “No. I believe they are being overly formal and do not
want to intrude where not welcome.”
    “I do wish to speak with them. Tell them to come here
and I will hear them out.”
    “I’ll send a messenger immediately. As for the favor
you requested, that message was also sent.”
    “Thank you. Now, tell me if any of these ship profiles
are familiar,” Paul said, sending him files on the ships that had been trailing
    Cal-com took his time analyzing them, but in the end
he only could identify one.
    “The Corbrini . We have
diplomatic contact with them, at the most basic level. They are truly distant
from here. I am surprised they would…” he cut off as the Uriti slowed to a halt
at the jumppoint.
    “Little thing, isn’t it?” Paul scoffed.
    “Perhaps,” the Voku offered, his tone indicating that
he was thoroughly impressed. “But to see a being that can travel the stars
without need of a ship is a rarity in this galaxy.”
    “Not so much if you head further into the core.”
    “Where is it going?”
    “To a holding orbit designated prior to the jump.
It’ll wait there until the control ship arrives and gives it orders.”
    “We are detecting strong telepathic emissions.”
    “Yes. Are they a problem for you?”
    “Not at these levels, but our equipment is designed to
detect them should they become perilous.”
    “Some other threat out there I should know about?”
    “A few,” Cal-com admitted. “Have you had issue with
the Uriti’s aura?”
    “Only at extreme close range. Riley tested it and got
quite the headache, but he was able to touch another one as it slept. The aura
amps up considerably when they’re awake.”
    “And you said there are many such Uriti imprisoned
across the galaxy?”
    “We think so. We know of only a handful at the moment,
and have personally laid eyes upon only the two.”
    “Combat capability?”
    “If we are close enough it could destroy every ship
present here, but for a starship it’s dead slow and not a threat if you keep on
your toes. A planet, however…”
    “An impressive weapon indeed. Where would you like our
ships positioned?”
    “Somewhere they can be seen and close enough to
respond to trouble if it arises.”
    The Voku nodded. “If distant empires have been
monitoring this Uriti from afar, they will undoubtable come here when they
realize it is the final destination point. We have much to prepare for, my
friend. This is…
    I must speak
with you privately , a voice pounded inside Paul’s head so hard that he
couldn’t even hear Cal-com. He squinted and the Voku stopped speaking, sensing
something was wrong. The Archon held up a wait finger as he tried to trace the
telepathic presence.
    Zak’de’ron ? Paul asked back along the still active
    Yes, we are
here. Hidden. We must remain so, but it is imperative that we speak.
    Where and how?
    Open your main
    Paul raised an eyebrow. Your stealth tech must be very good if you’re that close by.
    We will remain
hidden until you close the doors behind us. Our mental proximity you will be
able to trace.
    I understand. 20
    The presence in his mind disappeared and he blinked
away the pressure he’d felt, now very glad he had an Ikrid block in place.
    “I’ll talk to you later,” he told Cal-com. “Your boss
is here and wants to speak privately.”
    He saw the Voku flinch, but no other reaction
followed. “I will be available when you wish to speak again, via com or in
person, whichever you choose,” he said, cutting off the signal so the Human
could attend to the summons.
    Paul walked out of the nexus and onto the bridge,
catching the Captain’s eye.
    “Clear and evacuate the main hangar in the next 15
minutes, then open the outer doors. We have a hidden
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