Star Force: Quenar (SF88) (Star Force Origin Series)
that we are
unaware of, and the entire history of these Uriti is beyond our knowledge.
Where is this Chixzon you spoke of? ”
    “ On the control
ship. His loyal is not in question. ”
    “ How were you
able to override the genetic rewriting? ”
    “ We helped him
break free from within .”
    “ Then his
loyalty should be in question .”
    Paul shook his head. “ He can’t shield his thoughts from us. We’re certain that he is the
original and not the upgrade…though he’s chosen to maintain his current state
to give us the knowledge and capabilities of the Chixzon .”
    “ A perilous link
if you are unable to produce more loyal Chixzon…or have you found a way to
circumvent their control restrictions? ”
    “ Working on it,
but through a different route. Have you or the V’kit’no’sat ever tried to talk
to the Hadarak? ”
    “ Their
instinctual drive is too strong to overcome. They ignore all communication .”
    “ But an attempt
was made? ”
    “ To further
study them, yes. A failed attempt .”
    “ What size of a
transmitter did you use? ”
    The Dragon looked at him oddly. “ You seek a different path and inquire as to our past efforts to
validate something that was not tried. ”
    “ Pretty much.
The telepathic signals from the Chixzon have to be amplified and produced in a
very specific way for the Uriti to take notice. All other forms are ignored.
But the Uriti can talk to each other, and there is evidence that they can call
to one another over great distances. We speculate that it may simply be a
matter of making our telepathic voice strong enough to mimic another Uriti
before it will take notice of us. So I am asking, did you ever produce a
telepathic aura of a size comparable to a Hadarak? ”
    “ I am uncertain.
My knowledge of such things is limited. A check through our database may yield
the results you seek, but I do know that no success was had in attempted
communication or any form of negotiation. The Hadarak expand relentlessly and
without pause unless restricted .”
    “ About that. Why
didn’t they consume the galaxy before you were there to stop them? The Chixzon
knew of them and kept clear of the inner galaxy. It seemed they rarely came
further out. When you say they expand relentlessly, I think there should be a
qualifier there .”
    “ It is true that
they do not seek to expand to every system. They choose those that have deeper
gravity to spawn within, but they can consume any that have the resources they
need .”
    “ If they only
spawn in the core, why can they not spread across the entire galaxy? If there
was nothing keeping them in check before, are there not patterns to their
expansion? ”
    “ Such things
have been asked before, though we did not have a historical record as far back
as these Chixzon date. Perhaps it was wrongly assumed that they had spread as
far as they had been able when they were holding to a pattern of some
making…though it is confirmed that they were expanding. Perhaps a cyclical
event or another factor was involved. Regardless, they do not hold to any
boundaries that we or the traitors have detected. I have seen nothing to
suggest otherwise in recent years .”
    “ How often do
they travel alone? ”
    “ Rarely. Why
there was an isolated one for the Chixzon to capture is beyond my knowledge.
They travel in packs and are very difficult to kill because they assist one
another. That is not an issue here with this single Uriti, but the minions it
can produce are. I would not recommend experimenting with them, even if this
Chixzon claims to be able to give them commands .”
    “ He tells me the
original minions were people. Is that true? ”
    “ How do you
define people? ”
    “ Did they have a
will of their own? ”
    “ They are more
than biological machines, but the distinction is small. They serve and obey the
Hadarak from more than choice. It is bred into them .”
    “ The Chixzon
claim they stripped them of this, utilizing only their
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