Son of Our Blood

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Book: Son of Our Blood Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kathi S. Barton
Tags: General Fiction
discussed any such thing, but he had a feeling
that this girl was going to meet up with trouble if she left and he found he
wanted to protect her.
    She got up and walked to the window in
his office. He knew what she was looking at. There was Airic’s garden and the
forest beyond. He looked out the same window enough to know every branch and
every blade of grass. He even knew the colors of the leaves as they fell. He
moved to his desk, pulled out the standard contract that they gave all their
employees and started to hand it to Aaron.
    “What’s out there, Mr. Wolfe?” He was so
startled by the question he didn’t let go of the sheet when Aaron tried to take
it. “I know you warned us not to stay out after dark, but there’s something out
there. It watches me even now.”
    “Andi, come here.” The compulsion in
Aaron’s voice would have made anyone come to him, but she simply stiffened and
didn’t move. “Brandi Caroline Daniel, come to me now.”
    She remained where she was. She closed
her eyes and took several deep breaths before she looked out the window again. This
time, when she spoke, it was with a great deal of fear. “I have to move on. I’m
sorry, but I can’t stay here. There’s someone out there and he’s coming for
me.” The door slammed open suddenly and there stood Mac.
    Bradley didn’t move when Mac went toward
his father. Mac looked murderous and, frankly, Bradley was afraid for Aaron’s
well being. As he started to step forward to stand in front of his friend, Mac
growled low and Bradley felt his wolf snarl.
    “Don’t move,” Aaron said, and stood up. He
put his hand out in front of his son and said, “Stop.”
    Mac stopped, but with a great deal of
effort. His fangs had dropped and his eyes turned. Bradley had no idea what was
going on, but went to stand near the human girl. If things went as badly as
they looked like they might, then he didn’t want her hurt. But before he could
get within three feet of her, Mac turned to him.
    Bradley woke and started to sit up. A
hand on his shoulder kept him down. He looked up into the worried face of his
mate. Smiling, he started to reach for her when she slapped him across the
    “What the fuck was that for?” She had
hit him hard enough that he felt blood on his lip. “I didn’t do anything wr—”
    “How many times have you told one of the
younger pups not to stand between a male and his mate? Huh? Fifty? A hundred? But
you did it anyway, didn’t you? Just couldn’t heed your own advice.” When she
looked like she was going to hit him again he pulled her down onto his chest
and held her there. “Let me go, you stupid dog. I’m mad at you.”
    “So I can see. Care to explain what the
hell you’re talking about?” He looked over when he heard Aaron laugh. “Go ahead,
blood sucker, laugh it up. You have another mate somewhere that Sara doesn’t
know about?”
    “No. And Sara is right here with us.” She
was suddenly in his line of view. “But it wasn’t my mate your lovely mate is
talking about. She’s talking about Andi.”
    Bradley tried his best to piece together
what he was talking about. Last he remembered was Andi and getting her to stay,
then there was Mac coming in and— “Holy Christ, Andi is Mac’s mate.”
    “So it would seem. But neither of them
is very happy about it. At least he’s not. He keeps going on about children,
which I’m pretty sure she has none of, and she simply left him. I don’t know
how he knew she was frightened because I don’t believe that either of them have
exchanged blood as of yet. He can be a tad pissy when he wants to, can’t he? Then
there is the dream she was telling us about. I wonder what that means.”
    Bradley let Airic go to stand then took
her into his arms. “Then how did I end up…I went to protect her when he came
in. I didn’t know what was going on. But he did look like he was ready to tear
you apart. I was going to get her out of the room when I woke up
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