Son of Our Blood

Son of Our Blood Read Online Free PDF

Book: Son of Our Blood Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kathi S. Barton
Tags: General Fiction
    “Yeah, he tossed you around like an old
newspaper. Then, when he got to her, she sort of…well, I don’t think she’ll
come to him easily. She has a fiery temper I’ve never seen before.” Aaron
glanced at Sara who snorted. “She might even have you beat in that department,
dear. She gave him a piece of her mind then punched him in the nose. When he
picked himself up off the floor she was out the door. I didn’t see them after
    “Do you at least have her name?” Sara
looked both excited and afraid. Aaron nodded and Bradley grinned. “What’s so
    “She threw him off. Aaron. When he tried
to make her come to him, she threw off his compulsion as if it were nothing. She’s
strong.” Bradley sobered quickly. “She said someone was watching her. Something
was in the woods watching her. She had to leave because someone was coming for
    Magic tightened in the room and,
suddenly Morrigan was there as well as Mel. The two of them rarely came to see
him and neither of them had ever come together as far as he knew. He bowed
before both strong women and asked them to sit.
    Morrigan started to pace as she glared
at Mel. “If you had told me at first what was going on, I might have been able
to fix this sooner.”
    Bradley raised a brow, but kept his
mouth shut. These two could turn him into a toad or worse, in a heartbeat.
    “How was I to know that he wanted to
    “I tried my best to keep him from
letting it happen. You should have told me that you were having him work for
you. A little communication wouldn’t have hurt you.” Mel looked at the woman as
she continued. “And who uses a necromancer to do her dirty work? I, at least,
kept him under surveillance at all times. And now I have him so that he can’t
meet the sun until this is through.”
    The room seemed to freeze. Mel realized
what she’d said the moment that Aaron stood. She turned to him as he roared. No
one moved to protect the queen from him because suddenly, Shamus was there as
were several of his warrior fae guards.
    “Don’t. I don’t want to have to kill you,
but I will.” Shamus moved toward Aaron and put away his sword. “She’s been
trying to save him for decades. He doesn’t want to be a nightwalker. She has
him under contract to save his mate, but—”
    “She knew and didn’t tell me?” Aaron
took another step forward and stopped. Bradley thought it looked like he’d hit
a wall. “She knew my son wanted to meet the sun and had planned it with him and
didn’t tell me? What kind of person has that kind of information and doesn’t
tell his father?”
    “The kind that has made a promise. Sit
down, Aaron, and we’ll talk. If you come toward my mate again, I will have you
put to irons.”
    Aaron shuddered. His entire body seemed
to be as stiff as a rod. Then he took Sara’s hand and nodded to the room. He
looked at Shamus. “She comes near me again and I will try to harm her. I know I
can’t kill her, but I will try my damndest to hurt her.” He looked at Mel. “You
sicken me.”
    He disappeared. Then, a few seconds
later, so did Sara. No one spoke for several seconds then Mel burst into tears.
Bradley didn’t know what was going on, but he’d bet his last dollar that Aaron
would do just what he said he’d do and end up dead for it.

Chapter 4
    Mac looked everywhere for the woman. He
knew nothing about her and hadn’t even gotten much of a sense of her before she
left the room. He rubbed his tender nose. But she did hit hard, he’d give her
that. He caught himself smiling again and tried hard to make it go away, but
couldn’t this time any more than he had before.
    His phone rang again and, as before, he
ignored it. He had things to do and talking to anyone in that household wasn’t
going to get him any closer to finding her. He did think about calling Bradley,
but didn’t know if the man could be trusted not to tell him to get his ass home
or not. He looked at the phone
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