So Hot For You

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Book: So Hot For You Read Online Free PDF
Author: Melanie Marks
for that.
    Dakota looks into my eyes. “Are you sure? Lexi , you seem really sick. I don’t think you should be alone.”
    “I’ll be okay,” I tell him. I practically run to get away from him.
    His words “I’ll call you later,” follow me down the hall. But it hurts to know that he’s already holding hands with Gina, assuring her that he and I are only friends.
    On my way home, I feel as though I’m being followed. I’m too scared to turn around, but I know it must be Dead Guy. He’s following me! It makes me walk faster. I want to run, but I can’t. My legs are too weak. Every part of my body aches. I feel as though I’m going to collapse.
    Halfway home, I start seeing red and purple spots zooming before my eyes. I’ve fainted before, and this is exactly what it was like. There’s no doubt , I’m going down . I just want to make it home before I do.
    “ Lexi !” someone calls.
    Whoever it is sounds close. Too close.
    I take off running.
    My heart’s pounding up a storm in my chest. It feels as though it’s going to explode. I make it all the way to my front yard before every thing starts spinning. But I don’t make it to my front door before everything turns black.
    I wake in my bed, sopping with sweat, a scream strangled in my throat. Another nightmare. Ugh! They’re getting weirder. This time I dreamed Dead Guy, Jeremy, came to my school.
    Weird, weird, weird.
    I’m about to hobble out of bed and hit the shower when I realize something: It’s not morning. My first clue: It’s kind of dark out. Second clue: I smell something—not a breakfast something, but dinner, spaghetti. Mmmmm . Still, it takes a while for this information to sink in to my sleep-muddled brain. Finally though, I look over at my clock—5:30 p.m.
    I roll over in bed. I don’t feel like getting up. I don’t even think I can. I feel as though I’ve been hit by a truck . The thought could almost make me laugh, almost. But it doesn’t. Instead, it makes me cry. I was hit by a truck .
    Jeremy Michael’s truck.
    We were both in comas when they rushed us to the hospital. But I woke up after a week. Jeremy didn’t. Jeremy died. Sometimes, I feel guilty about that. It doesn’t seem fair. Me living, him dying.
    By the time my mom comes to get me for dinner, I’m done crying. Downstairs, the kitchen looks sort of funny—too bright or something. That’s what happens when I get too much sleep. It makes everything seem like a dream. Like it’s not quite real.
    Mom eyes me, looking concerned. “You alright?”
    I yawn and nod, but I have to plop into the nearest chair ‘cuz I feel like I might fall.
    My older sister, Ragan, is on the phone. Nothing new. She’s always on the phone. But right now she’s acting goofy on it. She keeps giggling and she’s getting all wrapped up in the cord.
    “It’s a boy,” Mom says.
    I nod, understanding. Ragan turns into a freak around boys.
    “They were assigned to do a science project together.” My mom tells me as though I asked, but I didn’t. I don’t care.
    Ragan gets off the phone and sits across from me at the table. “We weren’t assigned to be partners. He chose me!” She twirls a strand of her golden hair around her finger, beaming. “We got to choose our own partners—out of everyone in the class, he chose me .”
    I get myself some spaghetti. I don’t know why a boy would choose to be partners with Ragan. I can’t imagine anyone purposely doing it. Still, she gushes about it all through dinner. She goes on and on, talking about the boy—how nice he is, how cute is, how funny he is.
    Ragan gets crushes on boys all the time. It’s part of life, like breathing and air. I’m not really listening. I eat a whole heaping plate of spaghetti, and then go back for seconds. When I’m about done, I glance up at Ragan. She’s not talking anymore. She’s staring at me instead. The way she’s doing it, it’s as though I accidentally ate
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