So Hot For You

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Book: So Hot For You Read Online Free PDF
Author: Melanie Marks
can move is my heart. It’s beating like crazy. “Did you say you’re science partners with Jeremy ?”
    Ragan looks bugged, mad that I interrupted her story. “Yeah. So?”
    I can’t talk. I can’t even breathe. The boy Ragan has been talking about non-stop—it’s Jeremy? Dead Jeremy?
    Ragan furrows her brow. “What’s the matter with you? You’re scarring me, Lexi .” She gets off my bed. “I’m going to call Mom.”
    I grab her arm, pulling her back to the bed. “No, don’t. I’m okay.”
    She studies me, not looking convinced. “Then what’s going on? I told you I’m science partners with Jeremy. I talked about him all through dinner.”
    “I know. I just, I wasn’t listening.”
    “Thanks a lot.” She heads for the door, but turns back to me before leaving. “So, can we trade lockers?”
    I don’t say anything. I’m still too stunned. But Ragan’s waiting for an answer, looking perturbed. “He’s so not your type.” She gives me her Get Real smirk. “Give it up.”
    I blink. She thinks I want to date Jeremy? The idea is so perverse I choke.
    Ragan scowls at me, like she’s mad. Mad I’m choking. “Lex i ! Are you okay?”
    I swallow, trying to breathe, and when she sees I can, she asks again, “So, can we trade lockers?”
    I roll my eyes. There’s no way I can explain Jeremy to Ragan. No way. She won’t believe me. No way. And she’ll be mad if I try to warn her to stay away from him. She’ll go on thinking I want to date him, that I’m concocting a hokey plan to keep him all to myself. Because that’s Ragan—the world revolves around her chance at nabbing a guy.
    Ragan smiles, smug and happy, chirping “Thanks!” and she’s out the door.
    After she leaves, I just sit staring at nothing. Jeremy Michaels. He’s really back.
    I lay curled up in a ball on my bed, still staring at nothing. Ragan is science partners with a zombie! The realization makes me shiver. I crawl under my covers, trying to get warm, but it’s no use. I’m a quivering mess.
    What’s going on? First Jeremy took over my locker, now he is taking over my sister. It’s as though he is taking over everything, my whole life. Why?
    Finally, after maybe an hour, I don’t know how long really, I get up and start playing my guitar. Sometimes playing helps calm me down. Sometimes. But not tonight.
    Thump, thump.
    There’s a knock at my window. I swear , I jump like a mile in the air. But it’s not Jeremy come from the grave. It’s Dakota from across the street, so I guess I’ll be okay. Eventually.
    “Hey,” he says, coming in as though I invited him.
    “Hey,” I tell him back, glancing around my room. It’s kind of embarrassing having him come in like this, my underwear from yesterday in a heap at his feet. That’s something I could do without.
    Still, of course I’m glad to see him. In fact, you could call me psyched, but I play it chill. “You almost gave me a heart-attack.”
    “Sorry. I’ve been texting you all day, but you never wrote me back.” He straddles the chair at my desk. “And I would’ve used the door, only it’s kind of late. I thought maybe your mom would be mad.”
    “She wouldn’t.” My mom is really calm. It takes a lot to make her mad.
    “Yeah, well,” Dakota raises his eyebrows, “then I guess I used the window for old-time’s sake.”
    Since I can’t think of anything to say to that, I just nod.
    Back when we were kids Dakota and I used to crawl through each other’s windows all the time. We never used doors. But that was a long time ago. Before he became super popular. And before I started wearing a bra.
    “I heard you playing.” Dakota picks up my guitar. “You’re getting really good.”
    I shrug, but that means a lot coming from him. Dakota has been playing a long time. He’s awesome.
    He plays something now. It’s soft and pretty and kind of sad. I wonder if he wrote it himself. He writes most our band’s songs—the good
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