So Hot For You

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Book: So Hot For You Read Online Free PDF
Author: Melanie Marks
our cat or something.
    “I thought you were supposed to be sick,” Ragan wrinkles her nose. “The way you’re eating—it’s making me sick.”
    Mom laughs. “It’s good she’s eating,” she says. “It means she’s starting to feel better.”
    The way they’re talking about me, it makes me self-conscious. Makes me slow down and take small, dainty bites. But it’s kind of hard. It is spaghetti.
    “Dakota’s been calling for you,” Mom says.
    “Yeah, like constantly,” Ragan adds. “I guess you really scared him today. He said you were shaking and wouldn’t stop.”
    I choke on my food.
    “Are you alright?” Mom hands me my milk and makes me gulp it down.
    “Dakota said that?” I gasp, when I’m finally able to talk. “He said I went to school?”
    “I told you not to,” Mom says, shaking her head.
    “But…I did?”
    Ragan looks at me as though I’m nuts. “Yeah. I walked with you, remember?” The way she says it, it’s as though she’s speaking to a small child with a learning problem. Well, not even that, an idiot.
    I’m shaking again. I hide my hands under the table so Mom doesn’t notice. But I feel sick and frozen, just like I did this morning…only I thought this morning didn’t happen. I thought it was a dream.
    I try to remember being at school, but it’s all kind of fuzzy. Jeremy. Something about Jeremy…. Oh! He was there! At my school! But that couldn’t have happened. That had to be a dream. It had to.
    I look at Mom, then at Ragan. What they’re telling me—it can’t be true. It can’t! I couldn’t have gone to school today. The way I remember things, I fainted before I even got to the front door. If everything really, truly happened—how did I get in the house?
    “But … when I woke up,”—I paused, biting my lip—“I was in bed.”
    Ragan and Mom both look at each other, like: “So what?”
    Finally Ragan just comes out and asks it. “So?”
    “So, how—how’d I get in bed?”
    Ragan shrugs. “You were there when I came home—sweating like a pig.” She eyes me closely. “You really don’t remember going to school today?”
    “I remember. I just … I thought it was a dream.”
    “Geez, you really are sick,” Ragan says.
    “Yeah,” I mutter. “I guess I am.”
    Life is suddenly a seriously spooky place. This morning really happened? Jeremy came to my school? No. No way, not possible. People don’t hang around after they die. They just don’t. They go … wherever dead people go.
    Like my dad. He’s dead. He doesn’t come around, wanting to be my locker partner. And if any dead person wanted to be my locker partner, it would be him. Not Jeremy. Jeremy didn’t even know me. If he’s really around, he would be spooking somebody else. Somebody he knows. Not me. So, there’s no way this morning really happened. No way.
    I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to ignore the plaguing thoughts of the texts I’ve been getting, the ones with messages like, “I miss you” and “Come back to me.” You know, the ones I’ve been getting from Jeremy. ‘Cause, well, they’re creepy. And … not real.
    I grab my guitar and start playing. It gets my mind off all the spooky stuff going on ... sort of. Still, I keep thinking about what if it’s true—if I fainted outside. Then you know who brought me in? Jeremy. He picked me up and tucked me in my bed. A dead guy! The thought gives me the shivers, makes me want to crawl under my covers and never come out.
    Suddenly, Ragan barges into my room. She’s like that. She barges in all the time. The thought of knocking never seems to cross her mind.
    “Listen, Lexi ,” she sits beside me on my bed, “I’ve been thinking. We should trade lockers.”
    “Hmm?” I keep playing not really listening to her. I do it all the time.
    “Well,” Ragan flips her hair, “Since Jeremy and I are going to be science partners—”
    I stop playing, paralyzed. The only part of my body that
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