Six of Crows

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Book: Six of Crows Read Online Free PDF
Author: Leigh Bardugo
    “FifthHarbourisours,”Kazrepeated.“Itisn’tupfornegotiation.You’recuttingintoourtraffic fromthedocks,andyouinterceptedashipmentof jurda thatshouldhavedockedtwonightsago.”
    “Quit flexing, boy,” Geels said. “We all know the old man doesn’t have the stomach for a real brawl.”
    Kaz’slaughwasdryastherustleofdeadleaves.“But I’m theoneatyourtable,Geels,andI’mnot hereforataste.Youwantawar,I’llmakesureyoueatyourfill.”
    “Shut it,” Oomen snarled. The rules of parley dictated that only the lieutenants could speak once negotiationshadbegun.Jespermouthed“sorry”andelaboratelypantomimedlockinghislipsshut.
    “I’mfairlysureyou’rethreateningme,Geels,”Kazsaid.“ButIwanttobecertainbeforeIdecide whattodoaboutit.”
    GeelsburstoutlaughingandelbowedOomen.“Listentothiscockylittlepieceofcrap.Brekker, youdon’townthesestreets.Kidslikeyouarefleas.Anewcropofyouturnsupeveryfewyearsto annoyyourbettersuntilabigdogdecidestoscratch.Andletmetellyou,I’mabouttiredoftheitch.”
    He crossed his arms, pleasure rolling off him in smug waves. “What if I told you there are two guardswithcity-issueriflespointedatyouandyourboysrightnow?”
    Inej’sstomachdropped.WasthatwhatKazhadmeantwhenhesaidGeelsmighthavetheguardsin hispocket?
    Kaz glanced up at the roof. “Hiring city guards to do your killing? I’d say that’s an expensive propositionforagangliketheBlackTips.I’mnotsureIbelieveyourcofferscouldsupportit.”
    Inejclimbedontotherailingandlaunchedherselffromthesafetyofthebalcony,headingforthe roof.Iftheysurvivedthenight,shewasgoingtokillKaz.
    There were always two guards from the stadwatch posted on the roof of the Exchange. A few kruge from the Dregs and the Black Tips had ensured they wouldn’t interfere with the parley, a common enough transaction. But Geels was implying something very different. Had he really managedtobribecityguardstoplaysniperforhim?Ifso,theDregs’oddsofsurvivingthisnighthad justdwindledtoaknife’spoint.
    LikemostofthebuildingsinKetterdam,theExchangehadasharplygabledrooftokeepoffheavy rain, so the guards patrolled the rooftop via a narrow walkway that overlooked the courtyard. Inej ignored it. It was easier going but would leave her too exposed. Instead she scaled halfway up the slickrooftilesandstartedcrawling,herbodytiltedataprecariousangle,movinglikeaspiderasshe kept one eye on the guards’ walkway and one ear on the conversation below. Maybe Geels was bluffing.OrmaybetwoguardswerehunchedovertherailingrightnowwithKazorJesperorBig Bolligerintheirsights.
    “Took some doing,” Geels admitted. “We’re a small operation right now, and city guards don’t comecheap.Butit’llbeworthitfortheprize.”
    ThethoughtrattlednoisilyaroundinInej’shead. IfKazwasgone,wouldIstay?OrwouldIskip outonmydebt?TakemychanceswithPerHaskell’senforcers? Ifshedidn’tmovefaster,shemight wellfindout.
    Where are the guards? Inej thought, picking up her pace. She raced across the steep pitch of the gable. The Exchange stretched nearly the length of a city block. There was too much territory to cover.
    “Stop talking
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