Six of Crows

Six of Crows Read Online Free PDF

Book: Six of Crows Read Online Free PDF
Author: Leigh Bardugo
    Inej’sstepsfaltered,andshehadtofightnottogoslidingstraightofftheedgeoftheroof. He’sgoing todoit.I’mgoingtowatchKazdie.
    “Damn it!” shouted Jesper, dropping to one knee beside Bolliger and pressing his hand to the bulletwoundasthebigmanmoaned.“Youworthlesspodge!”heyelledatGeels.“Youjustviolated neutralterritory.”
    Geels’voicesoundedtoohigh.Hewastryingtomaintainhiscomposure,butInejcouldhearpanic pulsingagainsthiswords,thestartledwingbeatofafrightenedbird.Why?Momentsbeforehe’dbeen allbluster.
    “I’mjustfine,”hesaid.Buthewasn’t.Helookedpaleandshaky.Hiseyesweredartingrightand leftasifsearchingtheshadowedwalkwayoftheroof.
    “Kaz,”Jespersaid.“Bolliger ’sbleedingbad—”
    Kazsparedthewoundedmanthebarestglance.“Whatheneedstodoisstophisbellyachingandbe gladIdidn’thaveHolsttakehimdownwithaheadshot.”
    “That’s the guard’s name, isn’t it?” Kaz asked. “Willem Holst and Bert Van Daal – the two city guardsondutytonight.TheonesyouemptiedtheBlackTips’cofferstobribe?”
    “Willem Holst,” Kaz said loudly, his voice floating up to the roof, “likes to gamble almost as muchasJesperdoes,soyourmoneyheldalotofappeal.ButHolsthasmuchbiggerproblems–let’s call them urges. I won’t go into detail. A secret’s not like coin. It doesn’t keep its value in the spending. You’ll just have to trust me when I say this one would turn even your stomach. Isn’t that right,Holst?”
    The response was another gunshot. It struck the cobblestones near Geels’ feet. Geels released a shockedbleatandsprangback.
    This time Inej had a better chance to track the origin of the gunfire. The shot had come from somewherenearthewestsideofthebuilding.IfHolstwasthere,thatmeanttheotherguard–BertVan Daal – would be on the east side. Had Kaz managed to neutralise him, too? Or was he counting on her?Shespedoverthegables.
    Kaz snorted in disgust. “Do you really think that secret would die with me? Go on, Holst,” he called. “Put a bullet in my skull. There will be messengers sprinting to your wife and your watch captain’sdoorbeforeIhittheground.”
    “Itradeininformation,Geels,thethingsmendowhentheythinknooneislooking.Shameholds morevaluethancoinevercan.”
    thererightnow,wonderingwhatheshoulddo.Shootme?ShootHolst?OrmaybeIgottohim,too, and he’s getting ready to blow a hole in your chest, Geels.” He leaned in as if he and Geels were sharingagreatsecret.“WhynotgiveVanDaaltheorderandfindout?”
    Just as Van Daal parted his lips to answer, Inej slipped up behind him and placed a blade to his throat.She’dbarelyhadtimetopickouthisshadowandslidedowntherooftiles.Saints,Kazlikedto
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